Just wondering, had a post on our allotment blog by Poledragon that got me thinking, and wondered whether anyone else thought it a darn good idea or not?
Basically it was suggested that we have a sitering of GYO blogs, any of the grapes that have a blog could join and pop a link on thier blog, so it would join all of the GYO related blogs together.
I thought it a great idea, but just wondered firstly whether anyone else would be interested in joining, and secondly whether we would be able to use the GYO link for it? I guess one of the mods will have to run it past the editor and others at the mag, but is it something that other grapes would like to see or participate in?
I dont mind doing the set up, using sitering or bravenet if folks are interested!
Basically it was suggested that we have a sitering of GYO blogs, any of the grapes that have a blog could join and pop a link on thier blog, so it would join all of the GYO related blogs together.
I thought it a great idea, but just wondered firstly whether anyone else would be interested in joining, and secondly whether we would be able to use the GYO link for it? I guess one of the mods will have to run it past the editor and others at the mag, but is it something that other grapes would like to see or participate in?
I dont mind doing the set up, using sitering or bravenet if folks are interested!