There's recently been a lot of sticky's on various boards from GYO asking for hints and tips on various subjects for a forthcoming edition of the says that the best tips might be used and you may even get a name mention.
Now - as these threads are always interesting i read them and or add to them if i have any view/relevant experience to share, and there has been some extremely helpful advice given by various vine members.
When my GYO mag arrived last week i immediately skipped to the salads feature as that was one of the 'GYO wants your advice' threads recently....only to find not a mention of the vine anywhere!
While i give my info and advice freely to anyone and everyone (as i'm sure everyone else does), if there are relevant tips that come from the vine and appear in the articles, surely the author of those tips could be given credit - or at least a 'from the forum' section....? I seem to remember the green manures article was one of the first 'wants your advice' threads and there was a little box with comments from vine members in the report - i thought this was a good way to do it, but have rarely if ever seen it since.
Surely the grapevine isn't being used to replace good 'ole fashioned investigative journalism??
(it's my sceptical mind you see!
i should just add that i haven't had any good tips recently so its got nothing to do with me
Now - as these threads are always interesting i read them and or add to them if i have any view/relevant experience to share, and there has been some extremely helpful advice given by various vine members.
When my GYO mag arrived last week i immediately skipped to the salads feature as that was one of the 'GYO wants your advice' threads recently....only to find not a mention of the vine anywhere!

While i give my info and advice freely to anyone and everyone (as i'm sure everyone else does), if there are relevant tips that come from the vine and appear in the articles, surely the author of those tips could be given credit - or at least a 'from the forum' section....? I seem to remember the green manures article was one of the first 'wants your advice' threads and there was a little box with comments from vine members in the report - i thought this was a good way to do it, but have rarely if ever seen it since.
Surely the grapevine isn't being used to replace good 'ole fashioned investigative journalism??

(it's my sceptical mind you see!

i should just add that i haven't had any good tips recently so its got nothing to do with me
