I'm looking to buy a wormery and can't believe how expensive they are! Does anyone know where I can get one for less than �40?
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In need of a wormery
Thanks guys, I'll try my luck on eBay first I reckon and if needs be i'll have a go at making my own
Two_sheds, I dont really need a lot of compost as I only have a small back yard with a few pots, I'm mainly trying to do my bit for the environment with the added bonus of free fertiliser. I kinda like the idea of having pet worms too lol
If you've not a lot of room I definately look for or make a stackable wormery, makes getting the compost out from the worms very easy. We've had our can-o-worms for about 10 years so the initial investment was worth it. I like to think we still have the same worms too as we've never had to replace them!To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower
Originally posted by smallblueplanet View PostIf you've not a lot of room I definately look for or make a stackable wormery, makes getting the compost out from the worms very easy. We've had our can-o-worms for about 10 years so the initial investment was worth it. I like to think we still have the same worms too as we've never had to replace them!I'm quite excited to get started
I've asked on our local freeshare and freegle for one, keeping my fingers crossed! Must admit it is more of a 'want' than a 'need', just think it sounds such fun!
I got one off our local freecycle so you might be lucky - It was being given away as the owners were upgrading to a bigger model. All I had to do was buy a referesher kit which was about a tenner.
Good luckGill
So long and thanks for all the fish.........
I have a blog http://areafortyone.blogspot.co.uk
I'd rather be a comma than a full stop.
I've finally sorted myself a wormery, woo hoo! I bought a 2nd hand one on ebay and it arrived todayJust ordered some worms (also from ebay) and I can't wait to get started! I have just read on another site that the 'worm tea' can be harmful to plants if left in the wormery too long - what would you say was 'too long' a time to leave it?
Thanks for all your responses guys
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