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Grass on Grass


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  • Grass on Grass

    I am sorry I know this will be in the wrong place but I am after some advise for my garden.

    I want to lay a new lawn this weekend. Can anyone tell me if they think it will be ok to lay new turf on top of the old weed stuff that I am trying to replace.

    I have started an office debate as half say yes I can and others are saying no.

  • #2
    Simple answer NO, you need to make a seed bed so when you lay the turf on it the grass can send roots down with ease not fight its way down through hard compressed ground or there is a chance it will die before the roots can support and feed the grass.


    • #3
      I agree- no way at all!
      The previous 'grass' is probably failing due to poor nutrients/excessive competition with weeds/poor drainage/compaction to name but a few reasons.
      You are going to spend a lot of money on a ready made lawn and you certainly don't want it to fail and have to do it again in the Autumn!!
      Autumn is the best time, followed by now. The reason being that the soil now is still cold for the new roots , and the hot , dry summer ahead (!!) is already planning to fry your turf unless you care for it like a baby. ( ask the Vine members in France who know about hot summers!)
      If you are asking round at work, I imagine you have no written advice to follow?
      I would suggest you either go to the library and borrow, or buy from Smiths- or any local bookshop-
      " The Lawn Expert" by Dr D G Hessayon IBSN 0-903505-48-7 (�5.99)
      and it will advise you on all aspects of lawn care including new lawns.
      That with the cost of hiring a turf cutter ( or a DIY session!! ) will save you more money in the long run!!
      Good weather expected- so should be a good 4 days for you!!
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        Soil preparation is the only answer to a good lawn (or vegetable bed), so no - don't lay new (expensive) turf on top of a poor surface. You really need to sort out what's wrong with the site


        • #5
          1- Get a turf stripper/cutter and remove the old turf.
          2 - Get a rotavator and rotavate to a depth of about 4-6 inches .You can add a layer of compost ,sand etc to improve the structure of the soil as you rotavate.
          3- Rake and level out the surface and give a light roll.
          4 - Give the soil a good watering(just enough to dampen it -no puddles) very early in the morning of the day that you intend to lay the turf say before breakfast and lay the turf after breakfast.
          5 - Give the newly laid turf a good watering in and leave it alone for a couple of weeks.Dont let it dry out and after a couple of weeks give it a feed of fertilizer to keep it coming on .
          Last edited by beefy; 03-04-2007, 07:43 PM.
          There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.


          • #6
            I would think that if your old grass has perennial weeds in they will manage to grow through. I'm thinking of docks, dandelions etc. You don't want them coming through your nice new (expensive) turf.
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • #7
              Thanks everyone I have decided to dig all weekend and get the old turf up


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