It has been going for about a year - first as a heap then after about 3 months I got a couple of wooden compost bins and transferred a heap into a bin. One bin has been filled, rotted down a bit, mixed up, filled again to the top. It contains a mixture of veg peelings, grass clippings, shredded leaves and the contents of a used growbag (also contained many worms!). The top third of the full bin is now all grass clippings.
Should I transfer the lot into the second bin to mix up the grass clippings with the rest of the compost or just leave it and start on the new bin with new organic waste? I don't want to end up with a sludgy mess!
When do you think it will be ready to use on the lottie?
Should I transfer the lot into the second bin to mix up the grass clippings with the rest of the compost or just leave it and start on the new bin with new organic waste? I don't want to end up with a sludgy mess!
When do you think it will be ready to use on the lottie?