I have vegetable raised beds 8 Metres X 8 Metres and I put a lot of coffee grounds onto the beds in May. There is a Starbucks coffee house near where I live and the staff save sack loads of coffee grounds for me as no one else wants them + it saves them refuse charges. I had about 50 large sack loads and ended up covering the entire veg bed to about 6 inches (15cm) deep. I dug the lot in as I couldn't plant seeds in just coffee grounds on top of the soil.
Can I expect wonderful crops or did I overdo the coffee a bit?
P.S. I can get lots more coffee grounds the supply is never ending. or should I hold back?
Can I expect wonderful crops or did I overdo the coffee a bit?
P.S. I can get lots more coffee grounds the supply is never ending. or should I hold back?