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Well rotted stable manure


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  • Well rotted stable manure

    I'm looking for a lot of well rotted stable compost/manure.
    The problem is, online the delivery for it is highly limited and with very few, easily accessible places to go to get it, i'm struggling to source a reliable place.
    Don't get me wrong, there are a few a few stables within a dozen or so miles from where i live but all don't stock/store any well rotted manure for sale or giveaway.

    Can anyone help with this?
    My location is Wolverhampton.

  • #2
    Sorry to jump in but I would like a few bags. I'm in Portsmouth if anyone knows of any sources.

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    • #3
      Most stables are happy to give it way as long as you bag and transport it yourself.
      You need to build a muck heap and leave it to rot down.
      I have 2 heaps on the go on an unproductive bit of land behind a greenhouse and under a boundary hedge.
      If you are desperate, try and get hold of some mushroom compost as that can be used at once.
      Its Grand to be Daft...


      • #4
        just got some well rotted horse manure
        4 years old. lovely,
        got a mate with an allotment with me. and trailer.
        picked up 2 loads Sunday.
        still loads left, and as much as we need .
        I came by this by chance, so find any one who keeps horses or cows,
        you will be surprised what's about,
        you really don't have to pay for poo.
        Last edited by veggiechicken; 24-03-2014, 10:09 PM. Reason: Lets call it Manure, shall we;)


        • #5
          we got a load of manure delivered to our site and is not very well rotten. ive got a couple of spare compost bins on my new plot. if i fill them with it how long will it take to rot and will it work in bins


          • #6
            It would probably be better off in an open air composting bin as it will need to be turned every now and again.
            I wouldn't have thought it would be more than a few weeks to get it down to a crumbly texture.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Stu8706 View Post
              Sorry to jump in but I would like a few bags. I'm in Portsmouth if anyone knows of any sources.
              There's a guy in Totton area/ Southampton who does one ton builder bags of well rotted stable manure for �20 delivered - he can deliver up to eight bags in one load - it's mostly manure, very little bedding. He used to sell it on eBay. Not sure how far he would be prepared to deliver for free but you could ask?
              With manure - it's a waste product and the price is all in the delivery, any stables in my area are more than happy for you to take it away. We looked into the cost of hiring a tipper for a day - it works out the same price as having it delivered by this guy, and not so much hard work loading by hand.
              "...Very dark, is the other side, very dark."

              "Shut up, Yoda. Just eat your toast."


              • #8
                Chomerly,if you can collect it yourself (from Broseley),go to the Cathrine's Bakery stand at Wellington market & have a chat with Gary,he keeps donkeys & horses
                He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                • #9
                  I walked past a field with hoses in it , and it was full of poo, I happened to see the owner and asked her about it , her reply was if you want to gather it I will be delighted , so that's a job now every 2nd sunday morning , been doing this for about 3 years now ,


                  • #10
                    I have some well rotted but i live in norfolk

                    Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


                    • #11
                      I've just found somewhere down the road from me.
                      They have some stables (keen riders) and they put up a notice offering the stuff.

                      As soon as i get my compost bin sorted i think i will be going over to collect a load.


                      • #12
                        Well I still am getting a bag a week , I could have more but , no need to be greedy, I'm filling all my compost bins and hopefully this will be black gold next year .


                        • #13
                          Try Preloved | Free Local Classified Ads in UK and search manure plus your general area. You're pretty much guaranteed to find somebody nearby.
                          What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
                          Pumpkin pi.


                          • #14
                            I love the idea of looking on "Preloved" for Manure

                            Make sure that the source can vouch that Aminopyralid herbicide has not been used on hay / pasture that the animals have fed on. It will remain active through the animal, into the manure / slurry, through the composting process and poison the plot for anything up to two years.

                            Use is now supposedly well regulated, and all recipients of hay / silage (as well as manure / slurry) should be informed that the chemical has been used, but it is probably still possible that stables get a contractor in to treat their pastures and are not aware of the significance of the selective herbicide used.
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