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  • Compost

    As I keep saying with every post (groan!), we're totally new to all this so it's pretty much learning as we're going along, so sorry if thisis yet another daft query!

    I had a look at our compost bin for the first time in a few weeks this morning. Now I know you're supposed to let the bugs do their thing......I was thinking sweet little earth worms trundling about in there.......but instead, to my horror this morning I find massive, fat, maggot looking grubs wriggling in there, about an inch in size! ewww! Is this normal?! What will happen when we finally come to use the compost? Will they have gone by then - or will I have to pick them out?
    Nat xxx

    My Rather Uninspiring Blog

  • #2
    don't worry about it. Maggots will change into flies (or whatever they are) and fly away. I have ants nesting in my dalek...I HATE flying ants so had a minor panic, but then I reckoned they aren't going to be flying out of there anyway with the lid on. Dumb ants. Their bodies will compost down nicely, har har
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      lol! Thanks Two Sheds! I love gardening, but not necessarily all the bugs that come with it! Those things in my compost look like those wichety grubs they have to eat on I'm A Celeb Get ME Out of Here! Eww!
      Nat xxx

      My Rather Uninspiring Blog


      • #4
        I had bumble bees in my compost, had to wait until November before they went and I could use the stuff.

        "If you think you can, or think you can't, you're right" Henry Ford.


        • #5
          You need all the beasties to break down the vegetable waste into compost. Takes all sorts! Worms, woodlice, slugs, snails, ants, etc, etc. When they've done their bit of the job they will move on, and with luck you will be left with lovely sweet smelling crumbly compost.


          • #6
            Images of Tremor spring to mind


            • #7
              Mmh.....could get the garden dug for free if they grow big enough ....wouldn't want the insurance premiums though !
              Do worms really trundle ? I've never seen them at night or in a compost bin, do urban/cosmopolitan worms take taxis or travel in a posher style then ?
              There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

              Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


              • #8
                I'm really having to prepare myself now for all these beasties eh! Oh well the kids will have a minibeast project to do then


                • #9
                  Everything that lives, Poo,s

                  So do all the bugs in the compost.


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