I would really like to get a wormery, but don't know which one would be best to get, any one recommend one. I have been looking at the 3 Tray Eco Wormery from wormcity, would this be better than a bin type.
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Hi Pepper, I've got a can of worms - which I quite like - but I've nothing to compare it with, so can't help you choose.
There is a grape called wormlady who knows just about everything about wormeris, so you could send her a private message if she doesn't pop along soon, or if you do a search from the option on the top bar as there have been a number of worm-type discussions which might help you!
Hi Pepper
Teehee- I am a bit obsessed with worms it has to be said!
Ive also got a COW (well 3 actually) and I like them because you dont have to tip everything out to harvest them - they are a very similar design to the worm city ones with several stacking trays.
They can be a bit tricky at first as plastic tends to sweat a lot, wooden ones are better but they are more expensive. I think the Wastebuster ones are considered to be a good wooden design or if youre handy you could always make your own (either wooden or some of those plastic stacking storage boxes).
The bin type ones tho mean you have to tip everything out to harvest the compost although this can be a good thing as it means you can have a good furtle about the lower layers and make sure everything is as it should be.
The golden rule of worming is dont overfeed! The instructions you get always say you can feed loads which you can but only once the wormery is well established and your worms are happy in their new home. If you feed more than your worms will eat, the rest will go sludgy, rotten and really stinky and the anerobic condistions mean your worms will die as well. Trust me cleaning out a wormery which has gone wrong is a horrible job not for the fainthearted!
Theres a really good worm forum on the recycleworks website (although another viner said we can be a bit extreme! opps!) but Id like to think the wormers on the forum are a friendly and helpful bunch and they definetly LOVE talking worms so post away with any questions!
Between the worm forum and this one its a wonder I get any work done:-)
Hi wormlady, I heard you are the worm expert around here.
I went ahead and ordered the wormcity one, I thought it sounded better because it is a stacking type. I received it today and have it all set up. I have be worried about how i was going to cope touching the worms. When i opened the bag and saw them I had no problems getting them out the bag. The instructions that came with it said not to feed them for 2 weeks, just to give them the worm food twice a week. Then after the 2 weeks to start giving them small amounts of kitchen waste. I hope i get on ok with it , i don't like the sound of it going wrong and having to clean it out. I am off now to have a look at the forum you recommended, I think i will need all the help i can get.
Thanks for your advice
I was really nervous about mine going wrong when I first set it up but to be honest as long as you don't over feed it isn't difficult and I've not really had any problems. You're much better taking it slow and steady. I have a CoW and didn't feed them at for a couple of weeks as they had loads of bedding to eat through and then started on small helpings of veg. I'm not really a fan of the worm feed stuff as I'd much rather they ate my waste but if it helps the set up then you can't knock it. Mine came with a bag of worm feed and one of lime, ended up throwing away most of the feed but find the lime very handy as it helps neutralise the wormery after I've put too much acidic stuff in - the instructions tell you not to add citrus or onion peel but I don't think it's a problem, certainly in an established wormery.
Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.
Which one are you and is it how you want to be?
I had fun this morning when i went out to check on them, they had been climbing up the sides and i found a small pile of them under the bricks that i have the wormery sitting on, I looked inside thought I might have lost alot but there were loads still inside. I have read about them trying to escape so tonight i am putting a garden solar light on top of the lid [which is clear] to try and keep them in. Its ok to go worm searching at the weekend but I don't have time before i go to work. Hope the neighbours never saw me, I was down on my knees looking under plant pots and stuff.
Originally posted by pepper View PostI had fun this morning when i went out to check on them, they had been climbing up the sides and i found a small pile of them under the bricks that i have the wormery sitting on, I looked inside thought I might have lost alot but there were loads still inside. I have read about them trying to escape so tonight i am putting a garden solar light on top of the lid [which is clear] to try and keep them in. Its ok to go worm searching at the weekend but I don't have time before i go to work. Hope the neighbours never saw me, I was down on my knees looking under plant pots and stuff.What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
Ralph Waide Emmerson
Just checked on my wormery,it seems ok.i have completly ignored it for last 10 days as i was extremly busy,apart from draining acess water from rain .they have not been fed for about a week but its only few weeks old and iam trying not to overfeed(more like underfeeding)goddess
Hi Pepper
I have a recently established (2-3 months) Wormcity system. Each of the first three nights a number of worms escaped into the sump (they were all gathered in a gloved paw next morning and returned to their coir bed) and then they seemed to give up.
I stuck with all the other instructions supplied by Wormcity and although I am still only feeding small quantities but there are loads of cocoons, the smell is just a nice earthy one and the coir is staying moist so I must be doing okay with their care. Finely crushed egg shell seems popular as does damp shredded newspaper and small pieces of damp egg box.
My wormery is in the shed and they seem to like the temperature/lighting conditions because when I give the occasional stir the worms are mostly in the top third.
One more thing - I do talk to them! not sure what the neighbours think but I don't really care either.
Good luck and enjoy your worms.
Just checked on them and none have been wandering, had a look under the shredded paper that i have on top of bedding and they seem quite happy. I did put the solar light on top of the lid so this might have helped. There were none of them in the sump either today. I do have a question if anyone can help. Am I supposed to turn everything over, Is it just the coir bedding i mix up a bit and then keep the shredded paper on top.
Hi Pepper
By the time I come to stir it up they paper is usually starting to break down so I stir that in and add more as necessary. If the paper is still 'whole ish' I lift it to one side, stir and replace it on top. Not sure if this is the officially correct method but it seems to suit.
Hi Cathy/Pepper/Other wormers
Thats what I do as well with the newspaper - if its fairy intact I move it to one side and plonk the food underneath. If its gone a bit mushy and starting to compost I stick another few shredded sheets on top.
I got caught out the other day talking to my worms - they live in the basement of my office and I forgot we have cameras down there. I came back upstairs to a very amused looking reception girl:-)
If anyone is setting up a wormery,please dont pay mega-money for worms from wormery companies.I was going to pay something like 15 QUID for a handful of worms from a leading company,then someone pointed out that if I got myself a bag of(free)horse manure I would have all the worms in that I would ever need,and so it has proved.I have worms coming out of my ears(figuratively speaking!)and when I empty my wormery I just keep a few back to carry on the good work.
If anyone is desperate for worms I can send some in a plastic take-a-way container for the cost of the postage.
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