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  • binbag

    well I originally started my compost ''heap'' of in an old large plant pot, but I needed that to plant potatoes in so I put the compost in a black bin bag, but the other day when I opened it to throw some stuff in it was full of flies and stunk so I suppose your not supposed to try and make compost in a binbag lol. I'm probably going to dump it and try again when I have a proper heap area.

  • #2
    Punch some holes in the bottom of the bag to let it dain, Salina. Its the difference between aerobic and anaerobic composting. It will break down in time.

    I put all the things I don't want on the compost heap proper,( weeds,seed heads etc) into black sacks and at the end of the year dump the lot into what I call the rubbish compost heap. In the summer I cover the top with landscape membrane and grow courgettes in it. Then at the end of the season sift it to get out all the unrotted roots and spread it on the flower beds, NEVER on the lottie patch, and then start all over again.

    Happy composting
    Last edited by roitelet; 17-07-2007, 08:42 AM. Reason: cross eyed, can't type or spell
    Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


    • #3
      Unfortunately f(or some of us), flies, slugs, snails, ants, woodlice etc are all part of the composting process. It's not magic. You make a (decent sized) pile of vegetable waste and then the beasties get to work on it, eating it and excreting the leftovers. The bacteria get to work too, and the end result should be lovely compost. It can be a hit and miss affair, but usually it works.


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