Anyone got any recommendations for grow bags??
The ones I usually get in b and q look as if they�ve been rebranded (red plastic bags) - a 55 litre bag is now just under six quid.
B and Q�s own brand are half the volume for two quid, but look too small - will need continual watering!
Going to make my miserly crop of tomatoes work out expensive if I go for six quid grow bags!!
Any suggestions gratefully received,
The ones I usually get in b and q look as if they�ve been rebranded (red plastic bags) - a 55 litre bag is now just under six quid.
B and Q�s own brand are half the volume for two quid, but look too small - will need continual watering!
Going to make my miserly crop of tomatoes work out expensive if I go for six quid grow bags!!
Any suggestions gratefully received,