I thought we should start a thread about plants we have grown which slugs & snails hate. I know you can look up lists on the internet but I would like to know what other 'grapes' have had personal success with. I have noticed when growing lettuce that the green ones get chewed but the red coloured such as lollo rossa are left alone & although snails tend to sit in it they don't eat lavender. Any more out there?
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Slugproof plants
I know they won't touch my sedums, astilbes, euphorbias, rhododendrums and azaleas (they leave these two to the vine weevils), lysmachia, choisya ternata, euonymous, phlox or hebes.
As for veg - they all seem to be fair game !Rat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
Just been given some very out of date 'Stella' beer my OH found upstairs so I'm going to re-employ the slug pub method. There must be some veg. they don't like- maybe something exotic or tough- wonder if they manage globe artichokes? But I don't really have the room to grow them & they are fiddly to eat.Into every life a little rain must fall.
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