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Seed sales and all round good offers.


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  • Suttons own Dobies don't they, I get no problems from Dobies, so I guess they ship separately?


    • Checked my PayPal account this refund as yet! Will leave until next week and contact them again.


      • Just had 2 x ferline and one shirley seeds for 50 p at wyevale
        better than that tho, Poundstretchers seeds down to 20 p, well loaded up


        • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
          Jay, they have refunded the �5 and sourced some Quince trees to send to us in November. The Quince shows on my account as awaiting delivery.
          If there's not one on your account you'd better remind them asap.
          I got a different call then.... asking if I wanted a medlar in November instead of the refund, nothing mentioned about a quince, and nothing mentioned about a tree and the refund as well. I guess you must just be scarier than me VC
          Posted on an iPad so apologies for any randomly auto-corrected gobbledegook


          • Its the Pointy Stick that does it, Spam
            They actually said that they had already refunded me and, to save me further inconvenience, they would provide the Medlar FOC. Mine was an email not a call.
            Last edited by veggiechicken; 29-08-2017, 10:29 AM. Reason: Its MEDLAR not quince you dopey VC


            • Just emailed them as I haven't yet received a refund here is their reply:

              Thank you for your email.

              I am sorry for any disappointment with the refunding of the Medlar Tree. This matter should have been brought to our attention sooner so I do apologise. We are in the process of dealing with the Medlar orders that we cannot fulfil so customer should be receiving their refunds in due course with emails to confirm this.

              No mention of a quince either. Not that I'm bothered but as you say Vin, VC must be scarier than us!


              • Its NOT a Quince - I meant Medlar I'm a very confused old chook

                ...........I'm still very scary though


                • Just noticed this email after emailing bad! I'm as confused as you VC.

                  We have been in contact with our supplier over the course of the last 2 days and have managed to source more of the product: Medlar Tree - Westeveldt. As such we will now be able to fulfil your order in November. Although we couldn't be certain, we were hopeful of this outcome and this is the reason that we did not contact customers who ordered this product on mass to advise on the status of their orders.

                  Your refund has already been processed, rather than inconvenience you further we will now provide your Medlar tree free of charge.

                  Many Thanks for your patience in this matter.



                  • Hahaha!
                    Confucius he say "Confusion spreads through grapes like water through a plughole. Once plug is pulled there is no way that water will stay in bath".


                    • If you can't go to Wyevale for 50p seeds have them at are 10 for �5/20 for �10.
                      P&P is �3.95 whatever you order
                      I "think" these will be the same as T&M seeds if that influences your decision


                      • Is this a good deal? Loves these plants but not sure how long it would take to become a proper patio plant with flowers.


                        Edited to say postage is �4.95 so it would have to be worth �10
                        Last edited by Jay22; 30-08-2017, 01:56 PM.


                        • No idea Jay but I like that you can get 2 for �5, so 4 for �10 - or 3 for �20!!!


                          • Latest Flash Sale at Seed Parade.

                            Black Cherry, Black Krim, Amateur, Tigerella Tomatoes, Anaheim Chilli and others for just 1p.

                            Other offers including Jalapeno chilli 50p and Waltham Butternut Squash 69p.

                            Most standard seed packs only 99p. P&P �1.79



                            • If you like surprises and want to try something new, try this

                              10 packets of seed for �3.25.
                              They'll be mostly flowers - not edibles - but its a great way to grow plants you may never have thought of growing before.
                              I lurve this offer
                              Last edited by veggiechicken; 10-09-2017, 08:36 PM.


                              • Went to W1lkos today and all their seeds were 75% off. It's the first time my store has done this, they usually just clear them off the shelves (where to I wonder?). Got mostly flower seeds, including red flax, after having a lovely display this year with seeds from the flower seed swap (thank you Norfolkgrey!), and a deep red cosmos, all for between 10p and 60p a pack.
                                Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                                Endless wonder.


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