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Seed sales and all round good offers.


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  • #31
    If you're buying cheap seeds (or any seeds), remember the Seed Swap Pass the Seed Parcel.
    You can divide up your seeds into separate packets, and give some away (you always get more seeds in a pack than you need anyway).

    I've just filled 2 Jiffy bags with unwanted seeds to give away to other Grapes ... amazing. I'm already getting some good stuff back, for free or cost-of-a-stamp
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #32
      Managed to get down to Wyvale at Pyle yesterday as I know they usually have a lot of the 50p seeds each year. According to the staff I was a few weeks late as the flowers and veg had been reduced to one big bin, still a huge amount of seeds available and I managed to sort out 20 packets. I always find that they always have plenty of seeds of what you have but I never seem to be able to fill the gaps. I was hoping for onion and red cabbage seeds but got neither.



      • #33
        I bought loads of seeds at my local B&M at the beginning of the year. 19 pence for a packet of seeds-can't beat that really. They're clearing out flower and veggie seeds at the moment (if anyone has a B&M near them).

        I ended up buying a variety of radishes, lettuces and other delectable treats.



        • #34
          Probably missed the boat at Woolies but will have a look between the jobs lined up for today (once I get back to bed!!!!)

          Did get a few seeds for next year at our local Garden centre in August - but if get chance will check out Wyevale near us.....
          AKA - BigMatt over at Chillis Galore......


          • #35
            There is a buy one get one free offer BOGOF at the Range near us on bulbs etc. Sneakily hidden amongst them were onions and garlic to go in now. Good value.

            Get back to the earth, learn to grow your own future


            • #36
              Wilkos have a 3 for the price of 2 on selected seeds including veggie. Popped in yesterday but couldn't see any of interest as I've ordered loads of seeds online.



              • #37
                Country Garden garden centres are selling off fruit bushes at 50% . Goosberry, Blueberry, Cranberry, Rasberry, Loganberry grapes and figs.

                Worth a look for some


                • #38
                  I went to wyvale in Derby at the weekend and was told they had no veg seeds but was going through the bins of reduced flower seeds and found plenty of herbs and veg.

                  So ive got a nice selcetion for next year now just need a few top up veg so can anyone recommend a good online store for seeds?
                  Life of a Cycling Gardener


                  • #39
                    Brighton Lidl selling bare-root fruit cane soft fruits blackberry, black/red currants and selected shrubs for 64p each(half-price). Even at the full price they're a bargain imho!

                    Yes folks - a measly 64p!

                    Got a black/red currant yesterday and intend to do in v.large pots recovered recently from Wyvale's for nowt!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by quark1 View Post
                      Brighton Lidl selling bare-root fruit cane soft fruits blackberry, black/red currants and selected shrubs for 64p each(half-price). Even at the full price they're a bargain imho!

                      Yes folks - a measly 64p!

                      Got a black/red currant yesterday and intend to do in v.large pots recovered recently from Wyvale's for nowt!
                      dagnabbit!! why do I have to be in a lidls wilderness?

                      at least a fiver either way on the bus to the nearest one.
                      Vive Le Revolution!!!
                      'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                      Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                      • #41
                        wilkos have a clearance sale on-I've just picked up two willow arches, two metal arches and loads of seeds-got chives, salad, very good pricess (40p, 30p and so on).

                        Last edited by Diva1983; 30-10-2008, 02:14 PM.


                        • #42
                          Wilkos for me as well. Today I bought spring onion seeds, wallflower seeds and cucumber seeds approx 25p each packet.

                          Also bought Rose fertiliser, bug clear and ant powder really really cheap, well worth it.

                 - Home


                          • #43
                            fruit trees at Lidls

                            I bought a couple of fruit trees at the Torquay branch of Lidls - Beurre Hardy pear and Jonagold apple. They also had Cox apple trees but they don't do so well here in Devon, being prone to canker. I resisted buying Stella cherry too - too many birds around the allotment and they always got to the cherries before me in my last garden.


                            • #44
                              Just been to B&Q garden centre where they have a whole load of normally �15 & more plants down to a fiver & less, Acers, Bananas, grape vines, Clematus (sp?) and loads more. Some look dead but the majority are just bare looking because its autumn. Just got a lovely acer for �5, bare of leaves but covered in tiny buds. Not sure if its country wide but may be worth having a look.
                              keen but (slightly less) clueless


                              • #45
                                I don't have a Wyevale's...<sniff>

                                We don't have a Woollies big enough to sell gardening stuff either..<sniffs again>

                                I feel deprived.....


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