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Seed sales and all round good offers.


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  • Went to Homebase today. Check stock in your store before you go!

    50ltr Grosure peatfree compost �2
    Lots of tools, garden & otherwise reduced. Often 50% off - known makes too like Bosch.

    Bags of bulbs - hyacinths, tulips, alliums etc - 50p a bag. Good condition!
    That'll be 5 bags of compost and 5 of bulbs, �12.50, thanks.

    Forgot to say that I went to Morries afterwards and bought 3 orchids, 2 christmas hellebores and 2 peacelillies - all in fancy ceramic pots and buckets �2.70 the lot.

    They're not clutter, they're potted happiness.
    Last edited by veggiechicken; 02-01-2018, 11:58 AM.


    • ^^^ no seeds though so well done
      1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


      • They weren't reduced - although they did have the pod things for 25p.


        • Wilko have their bulbs reduced.

          Net bag of 2.5kg Daffodils for 50p in my local one and had mixed or yellow available. It looked like they were reducing others (slowly), bag is loop closed too so is recyclable for the plot.

          Happy New Year to all


          • Very store / grape specific but may be of use
            Homebase 20m Chicken wire �5 @ Homebase Ty Glas (Cardiff)

            (altough likely store specific its tempting me to go check my local one out for the third time in the past week... (Mrs Balders is at work and will never know (unless I come back with more power tools / perspex sheets etc))
            1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


            • Our Homebase is now a Bunn1ngs and carp!


              • Cheers, Baldy. Can't find it on the website - only in 5m lengths @�5.98 ish.



                  store specific probably - hence not online - seems legit...
                  1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                  • Victoriana Nursery

                    We know everyone wants to make their money stretch as far as possible, particularly in January so we are running a special offer until Sunday night, 20% off vegetable and flower seeds and 15% off tree fruit, soft fruit and nuts, you just enter code JAN18 at the checkout, remember offer ends Sunday 14th January 2018



                    • Half price seeds at Dobies today and I got a huge bag of Daffs free.


                      • Is that Dobies or Dobbies, burnie?


                        • Sorry DoBBies


                          • Thought it might be. They don't have a store down here.


                            • Click image for larger version

Name:	Owl Bird Scarer.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	45.8 KB
ID:	2376212

                              Reduced to �1.50 at Homebase so I picked a couple up for the Allotment

                              Code: 374642cm
                              Product Name: Brown Owl Garden Ornament and Bird Scarer
                              Colour: Browncm
                              Material: Recycled polyethylenecm Dimensions: (H)41 x (W)18.5 x (D)17.5cmcm

                              Product Summary: This life-size garden owl ornament is excellent for perching upon rooftops, around the garden and in common nesting areas to frighten birds, possums and other pests that are damaging your house or plants. Stop nuisance critters entering your property day and night using this brown owl bird scarer.

                              Hang on a minute do we have possums in the UK?

                              They are also selling off ant powder at 50p each
                              Last edited by Cadalot; 17-01-2018, 04:50 PM.
                              . .......Man Vs Slug
                              Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                              Nutters Club Member


                              • Originally posted by Cadalot View Post

                                Reduced to �1.50 at Homebase so I picked a couple up for the Allotment

                                Code: 374642cm
                                Product Name: Brown Owl Garden Ornament and Bird Scarer
                                Colour: Browncm
                                Material: Recycled polyethylenecm Dimensions: (H)41 x (W)18.5 x (D)17.5cmcm

                                Product Summary: This life-size garden owl ornament is excellent for perching upon rooftops, around the garden and in common nesting areas to frighten birds, possums and other pests that are damaging your house or plants. Stop nuisance critters entering your property day and night using this brown owl bird scarer.

                                Hang on a minute do we have possums in the UK?

                                They are also selling off ant powder at 50p each
                                Must check my local Homebase tomorrow as I love these. I got a hanging plastic Kestrel from Homebase last year!
                                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                                Diversify & prosper


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