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Seed sales and all round good offers.


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  • Free seeds to help da Bees innit:
    1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


    • Cheap lavender plugs.
      P&P is �3.95.

      Also perennial lucky dip

      Don't know if you can order both with one P&P???

      EDIT - Can't get the discount code for the perennials to apply.

      and the Lavender doesn't want to be bought either.

      Should have known - as Van M are part of T&M and you know what I think of them.
      Last edited by veggiechicken; 29-04-2018, 07:43 PM.



        6 patio fruit trees for �14.99 - cherry, nectarine, apricot, apple, pear & plum.

        I bought 2 collections about a month ago (12 trees) for my mini orchard. Never bought from this company before and I wasn't sure what they'd be like. However, the 12 are all alive, budding/ in leaf. They're about 3' tall, a single stem but well rooted.

        P&P is �6.99 which is why I bought 2 collections rather than just one.

        I'm reluctant to recommend anything as things can go wrong but I'm pleased with mine and they seem good value.


        • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post

          6 patio fruit trees for �14.99 - cherry, nectarine, apricot, apple, pear & plum.

          I bought 2 collections about a month ago (12 trees) for my mini orchard. Never bought from this company before and I wasn't sure what they'd be like. However, the 12 are all alive, budding/ in leaf. They're about 3' tall, a single stem but well rooted.

          P&P is �6.99 which is why I bought 2 collections rather than just one.

          I'm reluctant to recommend anything as things can go wrong but I'm pleased with mine and they seem good value.
          VC, did the company specify which rootstocks the trees are on in the documents you received? I am desperate for some fruit trees, but dwarfing stock can mean a few things.


          • Jonah, no, rootstocks not specified. They say they're suitable for pots so, presumably, will stay small. Mine are in the ground as I'm hopeless with pots.
            Where do you want to grow fruit trees?


            • I could keep them in pots at home or at the allotment, I guess, but space is very limited at home. I am allowed six or eight dwarf trees at the allotment, but I've seen some advertised as "dwarf" that specify that they grow several meters tall. I'm not brilliant with pots either, but could be worth a try at the price. Thanks


              • Originally posted by jonahjonah View Post
                I could keep them in pots at home or at the allotment, I guess, but space is very limited at home. I am allowed six or eight dwarf trees at the allotment, but I've seen some advertised as "dwarf" that specify that they grow several meters tall. I'm not brilliant with pots either, but could be worth a try at the price. Thanks

                Reading between the lines for the EOL bare root trees, most are on 2.4m to 3m root stock

                Colt, Quince C, Pixy - all 2.4.

                Mention of Braeburn on M26 - 3m

                No sign of the plum or the apricot

                Keep them pruned and you should be alright.


                • Thanks, 4Shoes! (Especially since I already ordered them )


                  • Had some time to kill this morning in Hereford so went in to the B&Q there. Found the �3 offer that a number of people have been writing about, and after bit of debate with self opted for a blueberry which looked v healthy. Wombled off to the checkout with a giant bag of MPC and some special ericaceous stuff to be told by the lady there that the plant came up on the computer as �1 not �3.

                    BTW I am definitely going bonkers as I couldn't resist a 2.5Kg bag of seed potatoes for �1 - unless I plant them in the lawn I'm going to need some sky-hooks or similar to hang bags from .... never mind, its a happy form of madness.


                    • Tesco direct closing early July - lots of gardening/outdoor stuff at half price - might be worth a gander:

                      1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                      • Mr F has reduced a lot of seeds to �1 a packet. Buy 5 and pay for 4 packets and every order receives 2 free packets of seed (not sure what they are - last time it was a poppy and a chilli).

                        Reduced To Clear Flower Seeds

                        Its not all Flowers, there's a Veg Seed clearance section as well.
                        P&P �1.95
                        Last edited by veggiechicken; 08-06-2018, 10:39 PM.


                        • Thanks VC ordered a few flower seeds for next year


                          • Thanks VC likewise.


                            • Lots of young perennials reduced


                              • Thanks for the heads up VC, got a few plants for my new rock and bog gardens for under a tenner including postage!


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