Hi everyone! I was just wondering what everyones favourite tool/implement/deivce is that they use in their plots. I must admit I have two favourites - firstly a special type of fork that has three or four prongs at the bottom which you put on the ground and then it has a peddle which you press up and down and it works its way into the soil - brill for breaking up solid ground. Sorry, despite other Grapvine members comments, I still can't remember what its called.
Secondly, I purchased one of the little wooden devices that you can make your own pots out of newspaper - its FAB! Just wish I'd bought it earlier!
What are everyone elses favourites?
Secondly, I purchased one of the little wooden devices that you can make your own pots out of newspaper - its FAB! Just wish I'd bought it earlier!
What are everyone elses favourites?
