Thought I'd just share this tip with you, as I've just discovered it and am impressed! I'm in the middle of a chutney/marmalade/jam making fest, and using all the jam jars that I've collected, but cursing at the wretched labels that leave sticky gunk behind (apart from Bon Maman jars, which soak off completely in water, top marks to them!).
I did a trawl on t'internet (and this site of course!) to see what I could use to remove the said sticky mess, and after trying several things, discovered that boiling vinegar does the job really well, without noxious chemicals and vile fumes - well, boiling vinegar ain't the nicest smell, but at least it's not doing you too much damage! Some of them required a bit of a scrub with a metal scourer as well, but most came off really easily. I'm well chuffed, and thought it was a tip worth passing on. And as a bonus, I discovered that great idea from Waffler about the labels.
I did a trawl on t'internet (and this site of course!) to see what I could use to remove the said sticky mess, and after trying several things, discovered that boiling vinegar does the job really well, without noxious chemicals and vile fumes - well, boiling vinegar ain't the nicest smell, but at least it's not doing you too much damage! Some of them required a bit of a scrub with a metal scourer as well, but most came off really easily. I'm well chuffed, and thought it was a tip worth passing on. And as a bonus, I discovered that great idea from Waffler about the labels.
