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Bits and Pieces...The reduce/reuse/recycle thread


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  • I keep all the plastic packaging from meat and veg. They make great saucer/drip trays.

    Also peanut butter and coffee lids make a saucer too.


    • old cleaning sponge/scourers

      Once I have finished with sponge/scourers I rip off the scourer bit
      and then thoroughly wash through the remaining sponge to remove
      any traces of detergent. A dilute lemon juice wash works a treat.
      I then chop up the sponge into little cubes.

      I add these to my compost mix when planting up hanging baskets,
      potting up pleiones and orchids. I find this helps to both hold onto
      moisture but also keeps the mix open and aerated. Sometimes I
      add to long term plantings in containers too.

      Cheaper than adding water retaining gel or vermiculite.


      • Originally posted by di View Post
        ................if you have a candle in a glass pot or jar and it's burned out and you're struggling to get the wax out, pop it in the freezer. Once frozen, the wax almost drops, does anyone have tips for using up 30 or so glass candle jars?
        If they are big enough of course, then I turn them into tea-light holders and put them all around
        my garden when having a barbi. Sometime paint outside of the glass with paint for stain glass


        • I know this is really yukky but I chuck so much of the stuff and keep thinking it is so wasteful but..

          any ideas on how to recycle spent kitty litter

          yep, I did say it was really yukky!


          • Fish out the lumps and put the rest in the compost?


            • Assuming it's paper/wood based. Best to avoid composting/keeping any cat litter if you are pregnant or have small children playing with the compost, due to risk of toxoplasma and toxocara respectively (different things, named similarly). Mine are on clay litter but if they were on paper based I would add the wet litter to the compost.
              Last edited by Kaiya; 17-03-2012, 02:32 PM.
              Proud member of the Nutters Club.
              Life goal: become Barbara Good.


              • I am using my daughters ottoman/storage box (without the lid) as my new strawberry bed. Its nice and deep and wooden.
                God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done. ~Author Unknown



                • The tops of drinks bottles that are left after making mini cloches are good for putting over the opening of plastic bags to keep food inside fresh.

                  Unscrew the lid, put the cut off bottle top onto the bag, pull the excess plastic through the top, fold over and screw on the lid again.

                  �If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.�

                  "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

                  Charles Churchill : A dog will look up on you; a cat will look down on you; however, a pig will see you eye to eye and know it has found an equal


                  • Originally posted by shushkin! View Post
                    I know this is really yukky but I chuck so much of the stuff and keep thinking it is so wasteful but..

                    any ideas on how to recycle spent kitty litter

                    yep, I did say it was really yukky!
                    My cats all live outside but when I first get them to rehome or if they are ill and have to be kept in, I buy wood based litter (it often masquerades as horse bedding) which you can burn if you have an open fire (it is the most expensive wood we buy so we burn it and hamster/rat bedding by bagging up first) or compost in a separate pile and know where you have used it. I always garden in gloves anyway. If cats are using the garden it's not just toxaplasmosis you need to worry about they carry a sort of flu like bug which you will pick up if you don't wear gloves-it can survive normal washing. (there will now be a flurry of people telling em I'm wrong and I can't find my reference!)
                    "A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

                    PS. I just don't have enough time to say hello to everyone as they join so please take this as a delighted to see you here!


                    • My ottoman/storage box for my strawbs is going really well. strawbs happy!
                      We have finished using a old computer table, so we will take the doors off and as it has no back it will be great for a large raised bed!
                      God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done. ~Author Unknown



                      • Here's an idea-

                        Whilst I've always used inverted wire hanging baskets (pennies from car boots or rescued from skips) as protection for seedlings, a patch of lettuce or seedlings in the borders etc, this idea (pinched from 'tinterweb) goes one better.

                        Cover a basket with clingfilm and 'cure' with a hair dryer. Voila, a cloche. Holes could be made around the edge for ventilation.
                        Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you are probably right.
                        Edited: for typo, thakns VC


                        • Just wanted to attach this picture to show what can be achieved with pallets and some old doors... The shed on the right was an autumn project..
                          Attached Files
                          Cryin won't help you, prayin won't do you no good!


                          • We're washing and saving every jar that's come through the door these last few months. Once we've had a glut (fingers crossed!) we'll be chutney-fying everything ready for gifts to one and all! As last years courgette and tomato chutney was legendary amongst my family members Yogurt cream and anything suitable pots are all being washed and stored ready for plant pots. Got a pile of pallets for edging beds. plastic tubs which had fence stain in ready for something marvelous to be planted in!
                            You may say I'm a dreamer... But I'm not the only one...

                            I'm an official nutter - an official 'cropper' of a nutter! I am sooooo pleased to be a cropper! Hurrah!


                            • My recycled growhouse.........made from pallets, old fencing and an old shower screen. The top folds down .
                              The shelf lifts out so bigger plants can go in later(thinking aubs here....).Do have to lay a pice of wood on top tho' cos we discovered a big fat pigeon in there.......
                              S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                              a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                              You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                              • Originally posted by di View Post
                                Yay! I've just found a tin can one! As well as using them to make pretty bulb planters for Mother's Day gifts, I just read a tip in my waste not book,

                                'cut off the top and bottom of the tin and place them in the soil. You can then keep your baby plants in them. This will help support them and also help to keep the slugs away.'
                                I have tried getting bottoms off tins, but the can opener just doesnt do it. How do you get the bottoms off the cans?

                                �If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.�

                                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

                                Charles Churchill : A dog will look up on you; a cat will look down on you; however, a pig will see you eye to eye and know it has found an equal


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