Originally posted by Johnny Appleseed
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I also use newspaper to make paper pots, and lay thick layers under weed control fabric and gravel around my raised beds, and under bark elsewhere.
Old Cooking Pots and Other Containers: Use to collect rainwater. Rainwater is particularly good for softening newspapers to be made into bricks.
Cardboard Milk Cartons: 1 Litre milk cartons are great for growing carrots and roots � particularly if you have limited space. The best one are the smaller, squat shaped ones, as these can be folded flat for storage, and to have the top edge trimmed to make a neat opening. Fill with compost, plant seeds, and before long you�ll have lovely straight carrots. Great for growing baby carrots too.
Plastic Bottles: Litre Bottles � Cut the bottoms off, remove lids and insert into beds, pots or tubs for direct watering to the roots. Small Bottles � As above, but use in hanging baskets. Remove lids and use as cane toppers.
Plastic Trays: Flat trays � Dishes to feed the cats! Seed trays. For holding paper pots when filled. Cat litter trays � old but clean! Strong enough to hold 24 filled and sprouting paper pots.
Mini Greenhouse: When the plastic cover is torn to tatters, use the frame for greenhouse staging, or for storing plant pots etc outside.
Old Guttering: Great for starting peas.
Old Colanders: Compost sieve.
Old Windows: To make a cold frame. Place on top of bricks or wood. If glass has been removed, tack on some strong, clear polythene.