There is a restaurant in Reading Called Mya la carte which offers to swop 10 kg of surplus veg for a voucher for a meal for two (not including drinks!). Haven't been myself but have heard it's good and they've one awards.
Come June I may be traipsing through there door with 10kg of new spuds!
myalowdown - mya lacarte restaurant - reading - berkshire
"Being a local produce restaurant, your home grown fruit and veg is invaluable to us. We know some of you harvest far more than is possible to palm off to friends and family. Mya Lacarte wants your surplus. For every 10 kilos of produce we will give you a Mya Daily meal for 2 excluding drinks. Your Mya Daily is redeemable from 12 to 7pm Monday through to Friday. The produce must be grown locally and be of some use in the Mya kitchens. Other than these, there are no criteria, just bring it in or call us"
Come June I may be traipsing through there door with 10kg of new spuds!

myalowdown - mya lacarte restaurant - reading - berkshire
"Being a local produce restaurant, your home grown fruit and veg is invaluable to us. We know some of you harvest far more than is possible to palm off to friends and family. Mya Lacarte wants your surplus. For every 10 kilos of produce we will give you a Mya Daily meal for 2 excluding drinks. Your Mya Daily is redeemable from 12 to 7pm Monday through to Friday. The produce must be grown locally and be of some use in the Mya kitchens. Other than these, there are no criteria, just bring it in or call us"