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A Wormery


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  • #31
    Thanks FoxHillGardener.
    I did say that I was a nerd when it comes to the internet. But I dont know what you mean by PM you or how to do it.
    Give me a garden or allotment, plants, flowers and fruit and I will be ok. Give me the internet and it seems that my green fingers are useless. I have only been using the internet for a few months now and it is a very confusing subject for me.
    Now, not only am I asking for you to help me with the wormery but I am also asking you to teach me the internet thingy too.
    So sorry about my lack of knowledge.

    the pumpkin cuddler

    It does not matter what our specific fate is as long as we face it with ultimate abandon.


    • #32
      Pumpkin Cuddler to send a PM or private message simply click on FoxHillGardeners name and a menu box comes up. Select Send Private Message To FoxHillGardener and a new window opens for you to write your message. Then click on Submit Message and it's done!


      • #33
        So happy

        Greetings all worm loving grapes.
        It does my heart good to read all of your positive posts regarding my wriggly friends. I am a parasitologist by profession and amongst other things worms are my bread and butter. Perhaps I had better clarify things by saying that my pet worms live in human intestines and unfortunately tend to make their owners a tad poorly. Never mind, each to their own, every worm will have its day.
        I am also the proud owner of a domestic wormery and have spent many touching moments feeding and talking to the occupants who have rewarded me over the past year with devine worm compost and rejuvenating worm 'juice'.
        I keep mine indoors in a cool room over the winter, the warmer temperature keeps their appetites going quite well.
        Enjoy your wrigglers!


        • #34
          I too love my worms, am always fascinated and love to watch them and finding all the little baby ones, knowing that this whole life cycle is going on in my wormbin. It's great fun too watching out for what they really like to eat, swarming all over a slice of pumpkin, curled up in egg shells and they really like banana skin.
          There's a wonderful book called The Earth Moved: On the Remarkable Achievements of Earthworms by Amy Stewart (Algonquin Books) which will make you love them even more.


          • #35
            If you need worm bedding just use riped up newspaper or shredded paper that you soak in water over night and then drain off extra water. p.s. thought all my worms had done a bunk as i kept finding them dead on the shed (where i keep wormery) floor and nothing seemed to be happening in the wormery, so forgot about it for about 3 weeks and now they are nearly out of food and have some worm casts!


            • #36
              For worm bedding : use shreeded paper or ripped up news paper soak in water over night, drain and use! My worms are just starting to have got the hang of what they are ment to do! Maybe i should have let them read a book on what they do!


              • #37
                What is the point of bedding? I don't have any, but I can't really see any point in it. Made my own wormery, and they seem to be very happy as they are.



                • #38
                  I was interested in the link with instructions from troubleatmill.
                  (which now does not exist)

                  It is possible to use a web archive site to show previuos versions of sites.
                  You can see the trouble at mill page here

                  Wormery on a budget


                  • #39
                    Nice one almendro.....I want to get one [we are doing 'feeding the worms' at work for the next few weeks, and I've had my training and am looking forward to meeting and greeting gen. pub. and showing them the wormeries]....but am a bit tight!

                    So if I can make one for nth the cost I'm a happy bunny.

                    I'll not tell Mr Z until it is up and running....


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