Mentioned this tip in response to a blueberry bush query but it does work with any pots, especially terracota and clay. We all have problems with knowing when and how much to water pots - I always leave a 2" gap between soil level and pot ridge, to act as a mini reservoir that I fill but it doesn't tell you if they really need watering.
A tip I picked up, to stop you from having to stoop down and stick a finger in each pot is to attach a sewing thread reel to the end of a 3' piece of cane and then tap the pot, if it makes a dull hollow sound, it needs watering. Saves the back I can tell you!!!
A tip I picked up, to stop you from having to stoop down and stick a finger in each pot is to attach a sewing thread reel to the end of a 3' piece of cane and then tap the pot, if it makes a dull hollow sound, it needs watering. Saves the back I can tell you!!!