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Japanese onions


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  • Japanese onions

    Popped in our local Wilko's today and among the flowering bulbs they have over-wintering onions in, both Senshyu and Red Baron @ �2 for a pkt of 50, along with Garlic @ �2 for a pkt of 3.

    Live each day as if it was your last because one day it will be

  • #2
    I've just bought all 3!


    • #3
      [I]v bought the onions from wilkos do you plant them now if so when will they be ready[


      • #4
        You can plant onions from now(ish) to november I think. they should be ready early to mid june if you planted them now.


        • #5
          I also bought these yesterday, 3 different onions and garlic might buy more to make back up incase they dont take.

          The loud wind never reached the ship,
          Yet now the ship moved on !
          Beneath the lightning and the Moon
          The dead men gave a groan.

          They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose,
          Nor spake, nor moved their eyes ;
          It had been strange, even in a dream,
          To have seen those dead men rise.


          • #6
            I've made my own sets this year by sowing lots of onion seeds quite late on and digging them up quite early; I am trialling about 50 of them to see what happens.

            I was going to not grow from sets but I can't help myself. I'll buy a small bag just to fill some ground, I can always give them away to relatives next summer if I have too many.


            • #7
              Personally I wouldn't plant overwintering onions for a month or so yet, the trick is for them to get their roots down before winter, but if they go in too early they're likely to bolt come spring. Most mail order suppliers won't even be posting them out until late September/early October.
              Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


              • #8
                WHY didn't I see this yesterday morning?
                I was in Wilkos yesterday and didn't even think to look at the bulbs!
                I've run out of skiving-off-from-work vouchers too.


                • #9
                  I got my onions from my lottie association....250gms for �1.25! Amazing value, I overdid it as usual and came out with 1kg, not sure I have the space for all those onions!
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