We all know our wild birds need all the help they can get over the winter months. I was looking through some old Mag's (FREE TESCO) and came across this home made bird feeder, and thought it might be a good idea to pop it on here so if you wanted to, you could make one, you will need:-
1 small squash or pumpkin.
Something to make holes in your squash/pumpkin
1 Small nail
1 pkt suet
Birdseed mix
1. Cut squash/pumpkin in half, scoop out flesh.
2. Cut 6 pieces of string 1 metre long. Take 3 pieces of string and knot them together at one end, start plaiting the string. When finished, plait the remaining 3 pieces of string to form the second hanging loop.
3. Turn the squash/pumpkin upside down. Lay the plaited string in an "X" across the base, hold in place with the nail.
4. In the saucepan, melt the pkt of suet, add the bird seed and stir until the mixture becomes firm. Spoon into squash/pumpkin bowl.
5. Once the mixture is cold, tie the ends of the string around a branch of a tree, or hang from a fence with hanging basket bracket.
See attached photo.
1 small squash or pumpkin.
Something to make holes in your squash/pumpkin
1 Small nail
1 pkt suet
Birdseed mix
1. Cut squash/pumpkin in half, scoop out flesh.
2. Cut 6 pieces of string 1 metre long. Take 3 pieces of string and knot them together at one end, start plaiting the string. When finished, plait the remaining 3 pieces of string to form the second hanging loop.
3. Turn the squash/pumpkin upside down. Lay the plaited string in an "X" across the base, hold in place with the nail.
4. In the saucepan, melt the pkt of suet, add the bird seed and stir until the mixture becomes firm. Spoon into squash/pumpkin bowl.
5. Once the mixture is cold, tie the ends of the string around a branch of a tree, or hang from a fence with hanging basket bracket.
See attached photo.