I wasn't sure whether to put this on Top Tips or in the recipes section, but as you can't eat it (well you could if you were desperate I suppose, it doesn't taste too bad
), I thought here was the best bet.
I'm just making a batch up, and thought some of you 'home waxers' (!) might be interested in the recipe. I've been using this for a few years, and it's every bit as good as anything shop bought, and much better than home waxing stuff as it washes off really easily.
So, here's the recipe:
464g sugar (I use granulated, but I guess most types would work, although maybe not dark muscavado!)
60 mls lemon juice (strain it to remove pips is best!)
60mls water
Put all ingredients in a pan and dissolve sugar over a gentle heat. Cook until it turns a golden colour, then store in glass jar (it makes quite a bit, so you need a big jar). To use, heat in microwave/bowl of boiling water until just slightly thicker than syrup/runny honey - be careful not to overheat, and stir well. Spread it onto hirsute areas as thinly as possible, press on fabric strip, rip off with excruciating pain
- only joking about that last bit, but maybe I'm hardened to it by now! I certainly find that a gin and tonic is a good accompaniment...
I did put a question mark after the 'one for the ladies', as some of you men may wish to use it, who knows?!

I'm just making a batch up, and thought some of you 'home waxers' (!) might be interested in the recipe. I've been using this for a few years, and it's every bit as good as anything shop bought, and much better than home waxing stuff as it washes off really easily.
So, here's the recipe:
464g sugar (I use granulated, but I guess most types would work, although maybe not dark muscavado!)
60 mls lemon juice (strain it to remove pips is best!)
60mls water
Put all ingredients in a pan and dissolve sugar over a gentle heat. Cook until it turns a golden colour, then store in glass jar (it makes quite a bit, so you need a big jar). To use, heat in microwave/bowl of boiling water until just slightly thicker than syrup/runny honey - be careful not to overheat, and stir well. Spread it onto hirsute areas as thinly as possible, press on fabric strip, rip off with excruciating pain

I did put a question mark after the 'one for the ladies', as some of you men may wish to use it, who knows?!
