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I am an official Scrounger and proud


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  • I am an official Scrounger and proud

    Suprising when you begin to have that scrounging eye for alltoments what you can actually find. I collected a pallet from the corner shop asking first of course and also found a skip full of MDF which will make my workshop at home more comfortable by adding a new work bench. I also found some old doors whilst walking to the Dole office today and they are my new fence on the plot. all plastic bottles I find on the road are used for cloches on the plot. I even pick up nails and nuts and bolts found outside buliding sites. More rain and high winds today so not much done since Monday.

    What tips do you have for scrounging bits and bobs?

  • #2
    Good to know that salvage rights exist outside Yorkshire.

    Take care with the MDF the stuff is a know carcenogen. I wish the DIY programmes would make it clear when they use it for just about everything.

    "If you think you can, or think you can't, you're right" Henry Ford.


    • #3
      Thanks It will balance nicely with the fags. Seriouusly though I did not know that, Thanks


      • #4
        Wear a mask when cutting it especially with power tools as the dust is very fine and it packed with resinous glue. I woodbutcher to a reasonable level and always cut it or shape it outside the workshop for that reason.


        • #5
          Since getting my lottie (all of 3 weeks ago) - I haven't mentioned it already have I? LOL! But keeping my eye open when I drive around/taking Dexter out for walkies for anything I can use! recycle, recycle, recycle methinks! Dexterdog
          PS anyone in South Ribble who has any pallets they want to get rid of - just let me know, oh, and......paving slabs, garden fencing, bark chippings etc etc
          Bernie aka DDL

          Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


          • #6
            lol DDL, I like your style... anything London way going spare?

            "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


            • #7
              Anything in Suffolk....... Come on lets have a national scrounging forum.


              • #8
                How is MDF a carcinogen?

                Is it OK to use for a raised bed in the lottie or would it harm the soil?
                Last edited by BayViewPlot; 11-01-2007, 10:28 PM.


                • #9
                  Sometimes the big giant trays supermarkets have things delivered in are just dumped round about their buildings and car parks. They make great giant seed trays, or even for growing things in - carrots if your soil is not suitable.

                  BVF if it was possible to show the exact mechanism of cancer causing agents half the problem would be solved. Just believe there is a big link to MDF and cancer.

                  From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                  • #10
                    Mr MB is beginning to lose his shame about skip watching!
                    We got a whole load of bricks when a house down the road had some building work done;
                    I got three window panels by asking a workman who was putting up an conservatory - was blissfully surprised when he gave them me 'just like that' thought I might have had to wait for a while.
                    Our local Magnet and Southern has just been refitted and there are loads of white pallets outside (apparently the blue ones are rented so you can get into trouble for having them). Mr MB has promised to go tomorrow and ask if we can have three or four of them.
                    Our neighbour drinks pop like it's going out of fashion, so there are always bottles we can use, but I'm a bit stuck for canes/wicker supports yet. have to figure out some way of getting some willow.


                    • #11
                      A couple of houses here have had a lot of work done so I gathered a couple of bags that sand etc is delivered in for putting leaves in or similar. I was very tempted to pick up carpet and planks of wood from the house that has been gutted but was a bit concerned about what Mr E would say so chickened out. Keep looking to pick up an old window to make a cold frame. When we had out bathroom done suggested taking the bath down to the lottie and got overruled. The shower doors went for a cloche though
                      Bright Blessings

                      If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


                      • #12
                        Hi Dexter
                        For pallets you could try asking your local Tesco ask someone with a plane blue shirt on he/she will be a manager just ask if they have any broken paletts in the back yard. Its worth a try
                        or if you can see the back yard and you see some and theres some one in the yard ask they can only say yes of no
                        Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BayViewPlot View Post
                          How is MDF a carcinogen?

                          Is it OK to use for a raised bed in the lottie or would it harm the soil?
                          I don't know the full story but I believe that it is something to do with the bonding agent (contains formaldehyde) and the fact that when it's cut it releases very tiny fibres. I think using it has the same sort of problems that asbestos used to have but not to the same extent.

                          Don't know about using it for a raised bed but I would thing that it would absobe the moisture and disintegrate. I know external MDF is available but you would need to treat it and then it would still absobe water when if was damaged.

                          I personally will not work with it at all.
                          Last edited by Digger-07; 12-01-2007, 01:43 PM.

                          "If you think you can, or think you can't, you're right" Henry Ford.


                          • #14
                            Since posting my earlier comments, went to Wickes in Preston today, the very kind manager Tom, let me fill my car with pallets! Wonderful!
                            On my way home en route lottie to drop them off, the car was making an AWFUL noise! Carried on to lottie (big oops!) got out of the car, back wheel was as flat as a pancake!
                            I guess I must've run over a nail - oh well, free pallets �for a new tyre because mine is wrecked! LOL? DDL
                            Bernie aka DDL

                            Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                            • #15
                              We had no luck with Magnet, apparently all pallets are accounted for and are returned, and they don't have any other bits that we could scrounge.
                              Will keep looking, but this week is the last time we will have the car so it's getting a bit traumatic, although we really have got quite enough to be getting on with.


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