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Water feature?


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  • Water feature?

    Does anyone have an interesting or unusual garden water feature (and I don't mean a bl**dy great big pond! )???

    I keep thinking about trying to make a wall-mounted water feature, but need to convince myself about how it would look and how to get power to it
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wild flower

  • #2
    Are you within striking distance of a good demonstration garden sbp?

    I'm lucky enough to live within hailing distance of Geoff Hamilton's Barnsdale Gardens? They run practical veg growing and gardening courses throughout the year (see under 'courses' on their menu, on the left). I've attended several of these, one of the most useful spends of our allotment budget! Last year they ran a course on 'Water in the Garden' which showed you the mechanics, layout and wildlife considerations of water features (including wall mounted ones). If you're still at the planning stage, a short course like this could help?
    Last edited by supersprout; 05-02-2007, 06:37 AM.
    not every situation requires a big onion


    • #3
      Thanks SS that does sound very interesting, but we're in the middle of nowhere(ish) and also can't afford to allow me such luxuries as education! (just kidding )

      I was hoping there might be a picture or two of some home-made water features - the practicalities of fitting one often only become clear after doing it. Oh well its not urgent. Anyway first of all we need to get something to contain the water in. There's a place not too far from us that does lots og garden 'stoneware' and has a 'factory shop' of seconds.....a trip to there is due I think.

      Bit of a bargain?
      To see a world in a grain of sand
      And a heaven in a wild flower


      • #4
        SBP those prices are very cheap indeed. I wish there was somewhere like that local to me.


        • #5
          Yeah LJ I'm wondering if when you get there it'll be the old 'oh we're out of those, but we do have these' (twice as expensive!)?? But they did seem to have lots of stock and I've seen their stuff in a garden centre round here, its very good. I'll let you know.

          You could bomb down the M5/6 and have a day out too - they're near Wells.
          Last edited by smallblueplanet; 05-02-2007, 11:10 AM.
          To see a world in a grain of sand
          And a heaven in a wild flower


          • #6
            If I suggested to my OH to bomb down any motorway he would have heart failure, demand a sat nav and a new car!!


            • #7
              I got to thinking about water features again when I found this thread when searching for the link to the garden stone pots.

              So does anyone have a groovy wall-mounted water feature?
              To see a world in a grain of sand
              And a heaven in a wild flower


              • #8
                I'm quite into this sort of thing (used to edit Essential Water Garden magazine, if you can imagine such a thing!), and I'd be happy to help out with any technical queries Manda, as far as I am able! The basic principle of a wall fountain is dead simple but - as you say - it's often a case of having a go before you find that out.
                Resistance is fertile


                • #9
                  Yeah, I've think I've even read that mag, I keep wanting to have a water feature. The biggest problem is having the feature near enough to the house to get power to it. Although there are some interesting looking solar fountain/lights about.

                  I'm okay with the general principles but was wondering what sort of weird ideas this lot of garden-heads could think up. But no-one seems to have a water feature - I thought they were supposed to be popular?

                  Maybe they're so last year? C'mon someone post some pictures!
                  Last edited by smallblueplanet; 28-02-2008, 07:49 PM.
                  To see a world in a grain of sand
                  And a heaven in a wild flower


                  • #10
                    I'll have a look at work tomorrow, we should have all the back issues of the water gardening mag we used to do, and if there are any good ideas for wall mounted options I'll let you know.

                    Is it the sound of running water you want or more of a wildlife oasis?


                    • #11
                      More tinkley than a wildlife oasis, but also visual, seeing water.
                      To see a world in a grain of sand
                      And a heaven in a wild flower


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