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Making liquid feed from stinging nettles


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  • Making liquid feed from stinging nettles

    Its that time of year when gardeners start making liquid feed from nettles. Unfortunately its also the time when our most beautifull insects, red admiral. tortoise shell, peacock, coma, painted lady butterflies, ladybirds, lacewings and loads of others lay their eggs on the stinging nettles for theyre larvae to eat.It is possibly the most important food plant in the UK. There has been a severe decline in most of the aforementioned insects.
    There is however a simple solution. Please only take nettles from a shadded area as insects require warmth from the sun and wont lay eggs in the shade. Thanks.

  • #2
    What a great tip Sheikh Yerboutti!
    Welcome to the vine as well.
    What a great name to pick!
    Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


    • #3
      Liquid feed from stinging nettles

      Its that time of year when gardeners start making liquid feed from nettles. Unfortunately its also the time when our most beautifull insects, red admiral. tortoise shell, peacock, coma, painted lady butterflies, ladybirds, lacewings and loads of others lay their eggs on the stinging nettles for theyre larvae to eat.It is possibly the most important food plant in the UK. There has been a severe decline in most of the aforementioned insects.
      There is however a simple solution. Please only take nettles from a shadded area as insects require warmth from the sun and wont lay eggs in the shade. Thanks.


      • #4
        Thanks. I just realised after seeing your post, I spelt Sheikh wrong, Pah.


        • #5
          Nooo - my typo - its your Vine name after all!!!
          Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


          • #6
            Thanks for the tip!


            • #7
              I've merged both your threads and popped them into Top Tips.....


              • #8
                I see what you mean. After I read your thread I went out to take a look and found these on one of my immense nettle patches
                Knowing my luck though, they are all cabbage whites - double
                Attached Files
                A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


                • #9
                  Im afraid those are large white caterpillars. I dont know what theyre doing on nettles. They should eat brasicas and nasturtiums.They look big for this time of year too, theyre usually just eggs in May.How far south are you?


                  • #10

                    We're only in the middle of France near to Montlu�on. We don't have any brasicas or nasturtiums out yet so I guess they are eating whatever they can?

                    Hey ho, time to get the netting out then

                    Thank you for the identification though, even if it isn't good news.
                    A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


                    • #11
                      Useful info. Hope you don't mind; I've pinched it for my WikiGardener website (You've been referenced of course!)

                      Nettle Tea - WikiGardener Wiki
                      Current Executive Board Members at Ollietopia Inc:
                      Snadger - Director of Poetry
                      RedThorn - Chief Interrobang Officer
                      Pumpkin Becki - Head of Dremel Multi-Tool Sales & Marketing and Management Support
                      Jeanied - Olliecentric Eulogy Minister
                      piskieinboots - Ambassador of 2-word Media Reviews

                      WikiGardener a subsidiary of Ollietopia Inc.


                      • #12
                        Ollie, your link (to here) doesn't seem to work.

                        EDIT: Sorry Ollie, where are my manners - great idea and a great site. Hopefully it will become huge
                        Last edited by scarey55; 09-05-2010, 08:38 PM.
                        A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by scarey55 View Post
                          Ollie, your link (to here) doesn't seem to work.

                          EDIT: Sorry Ollie, where are my manners - great idea and a great site. Hopefully it will become huge
                          Fixed, thank you
                          Current Executive Board Members at Ollietopia Inc:
                          Snadger - Director of Poetry
                          RedThorn - Chief Interrobang Officer
                          Pumpkin Becki - Head of Dremel Multi-Tool Sales & Marketing and Management Support
                          Jeanied - Olliecentric Eulogy Minister
                          piskieinboots - Ambassador of 2-word Media Reviews

                          WikiGardener a subsidiary of Ollietopia Inc.


                          • #14
                            Ollie, thanks for spreading the word. Be great to see a few more red admirals around this year. And I promise they wont eat any of your crops.
                            Save Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock. Coma and Painted Lady butterflies. Dont cut stinging nettles in summer.
                            Only cut nettles grown in the shade.


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