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Commode - Just what I always wanted!


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  • Commode - Just what I always wanted!

    I am now a proud owner of a lovely wicker armchair/commode for my shed, so no more squating over a bucket for me. What a great way to start off the new year, the comfort of knowing I won't be caught short at the lottie.

    I had previously put in a lovely wicker armchair in the shed, as I need to sit down to rest more than doing anything on the lottie, these days. So the fact that I now have a multi-purpose seat and toilet, makes me feel I've won the lottery.

  • #2
    I do so hope you also have one of these


    • #3
      The crown looks a little uncomfortable to sit on, but you've given me the idea to maybe look into ways I can feel more regal while on the throne.

      The commode came via freecycle, but I thinking I could recycling the hats from the christmas crackers. Just need a do not disturb sign to put on outside and I'll be sorted.


      • #4
        Height of luxury.......... darn sight better than crouching over a bucket ....
        S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
        a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

        You can't beat a bit of garden porn


        • #5
          Hehe... You put the crown on your head whilst on the throne till the cup runneth over...


          • #6
            Yeah it's dead posh, the pan has a lid and handle to lift out easily.

            It's funny how it seems like a real treat for me to use at the lottie, but I don't think I'd be quite so happy about it, if I was in need of one at home.

            Apparently it was bought in 2004, but it looks like new. So the person it was bought for was not keen, and now the family are house clearing.


            • #7
              Well there's posh for you!
              Gardening forever- housework whenever


              • #8
                Great thread !!

                Great picture.

                Cant get the vision of someone sitting on a commode in their lottie shed out of my mind.

                Does it also help with keeping flies away from your sandwiches ?

                best regards



                • #9
                  Never had a problem with flys, but I could always attached some corks to my crown.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dottie View Post
                    The crown looks a little uncomfortable to sit on,
                    ...but it does beat being stung by nettles!!
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • #11
                      See, I'm still wet behind the ears.. i'd never even had thuoght this was a problem... until now


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
                        See, I'm still wet behind the ears.. i'd never even had thuoght this was a problem... until now
                        If you are getting wet behind the ears you defiantly have a problem.


                        • #13
                          May well do, but I can do a handstand for 5 mins


                          • #14
                            To be fair it's not a real problem, I just don't find squatting over a container very comfortable or maybe it's just feels wrong ("I'm a lady", Little Britain). So when freecycle offered them every now and then, I decided that they could be the next best thing to having a loo in my shed to sit on.

                            Obviously it helps if you have a shed to hide away in and I've not actually tried it out yet. But as an idea and multi-purpose seat/loo, I'm very pleased and feel happy that 1 of my basic needs will be met when visiting the lottie.

                            I will seriously be taking a least 1 paper crown from the christmas crackers down to the shed, as I feel my first use should be treated as an event. Although it will be a private affair, no spectators or well wishes will be invited.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by PAULW View Post
                              If you are getting wet behind the ears you defiantly have a problem.
                              Can anybody remember the adverts for surprise peas in the 70s
                              The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                              Brian Clough


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