I recently posted re using Bags for Life as potato growing containers - I needed to start off my earlies before my veg beds were ready and needed a cheap alternative to the bags that retail for �����s - well they are doing a sterling job so far so good.
Today I found another use for Bags for Life as I had run out of weed suppressing membrane for a path and needed just a little more to finish the job - I just cut them to size and apart from the decoration and colour (red and blue apples) couldn't tell the difference between them and the real stuff costing ����s.
Anyone else used bags for life and saved money in the garden - I have stacks of the things and so far have never exchanged an old one for new.
Today I found another use for Bags for Life as I had run out of weed suppressing membrane for a path and needed just a little more to finish the job - I just cut them to size and apart from the decoration and colour (red and blue apples) couldn't tell the difference between them and the real stuff costing ����s.
Anyone else used bags for life and saved money in the garden - I have stacks of the things and so far have never exchanged an old one for new.