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Bags for Life


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  • Bags for Life

    I recently posted re using Bags for Life as potato growing containers - I needed to start off my earlies before my veg beds were ready and needed a cheap alternative to the bags that retail for �����s - well they are doing a sterling job so far so good.

    Today I found another use for Bags for Life as I had run out of weed suppressing membrane for a path and needed just a little more to finish the job - I just cut them to size and apart from the decoration and colour (red and blue apples) couldn't tell the difference between them and the real stuff costing ����s.

    Anyone else used bags for life and saved money in the garden - I have stacks of the things and so far have never exchanged an old one for new.

    My Square Foot Gardening Experiment Blog :

  • #2
    Originally posted by francesbean View Post

    bags for life ... I have stacks of the things and so far have never exchanged an old one for new.
    Doesn't that kind of defeat the object? They're supposed to be used for your shopping again and again so you don't use so many carrier bags ...?
    Last edited by Two_Sheds; 17-04-2011, 06:39 AM.
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      Someone last year, or the year before used to use the jute type bags for squash - filled them over the course of some months with veg peelings - topped off with compost, and sowed a squash in it then. (If that's what you mean by bags for life?)


      • #4
        I was the same as you francesbean I had lot's of plastic bags for life. I was a sod for forgetting to take them with me when I went shopping, so I ended up with loads. I've used them for growing potatoes, carrots, leeks in fact there good for growing most root veg in. I've even seen them hanging on hooks with tomatoes sticking out the bottom (at R.H.S Wisely). Now that's what I call re-cycling. Why exchange them when you can use them in the garden and save money as well...I'm all for that.


        • #5
          Ah, they are plastic (ignore my post then ).


          • #6
            Originally posted by ginger ninger View Post
            Why exchange them when you can use them in the garden
            I agree with that ... just don't leave them stashed under the sink like what I do with freezer bags
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
              I agree with that ... just don't leave them stashed under the sink like what I do with freezer bags
              ...I really don't go too deep under my sink...there's monsters lurking


              • #8
                Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
                Ah, they are plastic (ignore my post then ).
                Who said that ...


                • #9
                  Get back under the sink!


                  • #10
                    I've used bags for life mainly to carry the compost from my garden to the lottie - and for growing potatoes in [although to be fair, I had to bin the last lot due to the manure being contaminated but that's not the point].

                    I have a jute one that I bought many moons ago from Out of This World in Beeston...long before the supermarkets were doing them [they were funky back then] and the handle is now just about ready to bite the bullet; so I might grow some stuff in it this year and send them an arty photo of the bag being reused.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
                      Get back under the sink!


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