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Recommended gardening gloves?


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  • #16
    Originally posted by Shadylane View Post
    Someone needs to invent some that are close fitting ...and still protect you from nettles.
    The ones I'm currently using (Weedmaster Plus) are good for that (although the backs are fabric, so not nettle-proof). I love them, they're thin enough to feel what you're doing, they protect you from minor cuts & stings (and dirt) and the velcro cuff stops dirt getting inside the glove

    I go through gloves like nobody's business, but these are doing really well so far:
    Last edited by Two_Sheds; 23-06-2011, 01:09 PM.
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
      The ones I'm currently using (Weedmaster Plus) are good for that (although the backs are fabric, so not nettle-proof)
      I wonder why it is that my mates guide dog can spend ages ferriting about in nettles down the lotties and never gets stung, yet we only have to brush past them and the leap out and sting us.
      Its Grand to be Daft...


      • #18
        ^ I can pull them out with my bare fingers, it's the ones that lash round and sting you on the wrist I don't like - that's just spiteful
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #19
          I use this when digging: Master Gardener Gloves, Wellingtons, Rose and Thorn Gloves, Leather Gardening Gloves and doing heavy work - but when weeding I find soil drops in the open wrist part, and gets impacted in the finger tips... bit annoying.

          I use non-latex plasticy thingy gloves for other stuff.. most often though I tend to find I forget to put them on. I can't stand having dirty nails.. I like to keep my hands clean espeically when cooking with a preggo wife + little nipper (more so for the wife.. my little one seemingly enjoys eating soil)


          • #20
            These sort of threads are really useful. I tend to buy those all green latex front, cotton back gloves. Which are a good all purpose glove, but like many here, I'm also after a close-fitting durable type. I saw one of the Scottish guys on Beechgrove recently wearing a pair and thought they looked ideal.

            I'll look into the Ansell and New Town & Country range. Thanks for the posts.


            • #21
              Florea 370 gloves
              These are my favourite for general stuff like weeding and potting and such like. You often get them on stands of their own at gardening shows in all different colours. They're fine enough to still feel what you're doing. They last a couple of years before the first two fingers go through. Then I carry on using them anyway and getting mucky fingers

              I have some heavier duty fleece lined leather ones for proper digging and lugging logs and stones about. I got them as a present and they have no label. They've been going for years and would love to find some more for their replacements
              Last edited by FoxHillGardener; 23-06-2011, 02:25 PM. Reason: fixing url


              • #22
                Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                The ones I'm currently using (Weedmaster Plus) are good for that (although the backs are fabric, so not nettle-proof). I love them, they're thin enough to feel what you're doing, they protect you from minor cuts & stings (and dirt) and the velcro cuff stops dirt getting inside the glove

                I go through gloves like nobody's business, but these are doing really well so far: Weedmaster Plus Gloves If you want a pair of gloves to protect your hands tha...
                �1.75???? Bargain! I don't generally get nettled on the backs of me hands so these might do the trick. Cheers for the linky


                • #23
                  Originally posted by FoxHillGardener View Post
                  Florea 370 gloves
                  These are my favourite for general stuff like weeding and potting and such like. You often get them on stands of their own at gardening shows in all different colours. They're fine enough to still feel what you're doing. They last a couple of years before the first two fingers go through. Then I carry on using them anyway and getting mucky fingers
                  Blimey, a couple of years, they last a month tops for me before the right index fingers goes through!

                  Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                  Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                  • #24
                    Thanks for all these comments. I too love to work with my bare hands whenever possible, but I have been doing some 'reclamation' type jobs which need a lot of bramble and nettle pulling. Also, one of the gardens I am working on is inhabited by a dog which relieves itself whenever and wherever - so there is always the chance of coming across that mess. Why can dog owners be persuaded to 'bag it' when out and about, but then let their mutts make a mess all over the garden? Same with cats, but they don't get taken for walks so much I suppose...


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