TIPS for using the SEARCH facility on this site.... Are there any?
I ask because it doesn't seem to respond to standard ("Boolean") Search codes using AND/OR/NOT, inverted commas or +/- signs. For example Rabbit recently asked an interesting question about "grey water" but entering grey water, "grey water", grey + water, grey AND water etc all result in 13 pages of references to Shades/Sheds of Grey, grey hair, water cress.... etc --- er, which may be interesting but not as helpful as it might be
. Any Top Tips to recommend?

I ask because it doesn't seem to respond to standard ("Boolean") Search codes using AND/OR/NOT, inverted commas or +/- signs. For example Rabbit recently asked an interesting question about "grey water" but entering grey water, "grey water", grey + water, grey AND water etc all result in 13 pages of references to Shades/Sheds of Grey, grey hair, water cress.... etc --- er, which may be interesting but not as helpful as it might be
