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50p Seeds?


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  • #46
    Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
    I feel so much better now, vikki but I still bought more than you
    Hehehe! I suspect the body count may go up when I get a chance to go through the flower seeds that they've randomly stuck around the store!


    • #47
      Our nearest one is 22 mile away so a bit far for me, not that I needed seeds or anything but you never know until you get there.
      Location....East Midlands.


      • #48
        Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
        BB, I bought some seeds today with you in mind - Mixed Cactus from the T&M World Garden range. If you'd like them I'll post them to you
        What a kind thought
        He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

        Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


        • #49
          They'll be posted today BB


          • #50
            Bump, Bump!

            Hopefully tomorrow! Though haven't seen any promo material yet!
            The more help a man has in his garden, the less it belongs to him.
            William M. Davies


            • #51
              Its on now Paul - started yesterday


              • #52

                Got �4.50 worth of vouchers from them yesterday so was tempted to go during my lunch today to use them.

                Guess they'll have to wait till tomorrow!!
                The more help a man has in his garden, the less it belongs to him.
                William M. Davies


                • #53
                  There's another thread that might tempt you to go now


                  • #54
                    Don't, I have resisted so far, I am already thinking I should have got more coriander and basil - you can never have too much can you, after all it is sow by 2016.....

                    and carrots, I did not get carrots, or any new strange tomatoes or those onions that everyone was raving about the other day.

                    While wearing your night clothes, plant cucumbers on the 1st May before the sun comes up, and they will not be attacked by bugs.


                    • #55
                      Back from my shopping trip. 32 packets of veg seed. The original packet prices come to a whopping �76.10. Five packets of flower seeds face value �15. A saving of nearly �80!!


                      • #56
                        Ooh goody - I'm driving past our branch tomorrow morning. Will have to go 1/2 an hour earlier and have a good furtle
                        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                        • #57
                          Saw this thread and went to my local wyevale today.... Now completely stocked up for next year !!! And my wallet is oh so much lighter !!!! How can you spend �52.50 on seeds ???? still when you look at what they would have cost it's a bargain !!!!
                          Last edited by Wapwap79; 29-08-2013, 07:48 PM.


                          • #58
                            I believe these kinds of threads are called "enabling"?!

                            I went today - because of this thread- and bought �81.15 worth of seeds - 33 packet. Cost = �16.50. Thank you very much!!

                            Living in her own purple world

                            Loving gardening, reading, knitting and crochet.


                            • #59
                              Half an hour!!! Only half an hour!!!! You must be a very decisive and disciplined seed shopper


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Wapwap79 View Post
                                Saw this thread and went to my local wyevale today.... Now completely stocked up for next year !!! And my wallet is oh so much lighter !!!! How can you spend �52.50 on seeds ???? still when you look at what they would have cost it's a bargain !!!!
                                105 packets of seeds I know when I've been beaten


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