Every now and then companies like Thompson and Morgan and others have flash sales.
I've often found the email or the alert only to find I've only a few hours to take advantage.
Make your list NOW - yes right NOW! Catalogues are on their way NOW and may even have hit your mat already for 2016!
Whoever the provider of your pet 'want' is - make that list now - so when you get the tip-off for unrefusable offers you can strike immediately to get the seeds/plants for your needs without the pressure of looking thru catalogues or online.
Got caught short a couple of times last year - made my list and got in to get what I wanted at reduced offer prices a little while back - with no disappointments or out of stocks!
I've often found the email or the alert only to find I've only a few hours to take advantage.
Make your list NOW - yes right NOW! Catalogues are on their way NOW and may even have hit your mat already for 2016!
Whoever the provider of your pet 'want' is - make that list now - so when you get the tip-off for unrefusable offers you can strike immediately to get the seeds/plants for your needs without the pressure of looking thru catalogues or online.
Got caught short a couple of times last year - made my list and got in to get what I wanted at reduced offer prices a little while back - with no disappointments or out of stocks!