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Wilko sale


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  • Wilko sale

    Apparently wilk0s has an in store sale of gardening stuff!
    Kneeling pads 25p
    20cm x 2m willow fencing 50p
    Lots of stuff really cheap, but that's all I can remember from seeing it on f@ceb00k

    ( Sorry can a mod move this please I should of started new thread, having blonde moment ( well it is early ) )
    Last edited by Small pumpkin; 16-09-2016, 07:58 AM.

  • #2
    Thank you which ever lovely mod moved my post


    • #3
      All Mods are equally lovely................well, apart from....................????


      • #4
        Large tom grow bags reduced to �1 &wilko seeds scanned at 10p although labelled as 25p. Most fertilizers &insect sprays only half price though so will wait before buying these.


        • #5
          So annoyed we dont have a Wilkos within striking distance


          • #6
            Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
            So annoyed we dont have a Wilkos within striking distance
            I'm with you there AP. So I don't want too know about all the bargains you've all been getting, especially seeds!!!!


            • #7
              I was in Wilc0s on Tuesday - and seeds (including peas and beans) were 50p.

              I feel robbed !!!
              .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

              My Youtube Channel -


              • #8
                Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                I'm with you there AP. So I don't want too know about all the bargains you've all been getting, especially seeds!!!!(
                OK, I won't tell you about my bargains - and I didn't buy any seeds! Honest I didn't!
                They were in big trugs and a wheelbarrow - too much effort to rummage through when I don't need any - but they were 10p for Wilkos and 50p for Unwins.

                I know I said I wouldn't tell you but it took 2 men, each pushing a trolley, to load up the car for me They wouldn't let me push one through the store in case I wrecked something with an out of control trolley. They're not designed for 10' bamboo canes (75p) or 8' reed fencing (�4) or 10 Levington growbags (�1).

                There, I said I wouldn't tell you what I bought so I'll keep the other stuff secret
                It was enteraining watching them load it all into the car!!

                Thanks for starting this thread SP, without it I would be �44 better off!


                • #9
                  At least my purchases were managable, just 30 packets of seeds for �3


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                    Thanks for starting this thread SP, without it I would be �44 better off!
                    It's my pleasure I like to help


                    • #11
                      Talking of Wilko's SP how did the Jazzy spuds turn out?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Greenleaves View Post
                        Talking of Wilko's SP how did the Jazzy spuds turn out?
                        They were pretty good, not overly big ( but then I don't know an average size of a jazzy? ) and the slugs didn't like them as much as other varieties, which is a big bonus. And they make good chips, this is very important for a spud in this house How did yours do?


                        • #13
                          Just been into town there and popped into Wilc0s - apart from some cheap seed trays and pots, the seeds were still 50p, and a �1 for the branded ones.

                          Nothing else was on sale (although admittedly there wasn't much gardening stuff left)

                          .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

                          My Youtube Channel -


                          • #14
                            I buy online fro wilko's, but sadly as others have said, Wilko's in Scotland are a rare breed, I think there's one in the Glasgow area and that's it.Just had 2 water butts for the new greenhouse delivered today, wine making gear to follow.
                            Last edited by burnie; 16-09-2016, 07:17 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by KevinM67 View Post
                              Just been into town there and popped into Wilc0s - apart from some cheap seed trays and pots, the seeds were still 50p, and a �1 for the branded ones.

                              Nothing else was on sale (although admittedly there wasn't much gardening stuff left)

                              Did you ask them to check the price? I do that all the time!

                              Don't read this SP but I bought one of those long handled weeder things that looks like an apple corer. Think they're for deep rooted weeds like dandelions but I think it has a future for pulling out plugs for planting leeks, onions - any seedlings in fact..........and it was �1.50.


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