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Putting water meter


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  • Putting water meter

    Hi All
    We moved to this house 2 months ago. There is no water meter in this house. We have a decent size lawn. Is it good idea to put water meter or not?. I am cconfused.

  • #2
    Do you water the lawn? I've never done that! All the water for the greenhouses is saved in water butts. I've always had a water meter but a lot depends on how much water you use.


    • #3
      How mny of you live in the house?
      From my experience if there are just a couple then you'll save - if you've got kids then nonon no no ... really makes no sense then...
      1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


      • #4
        I don't know VC. I lived in flat. So I have no idea about garden stuffs.
        Me, my husband and 2 kids (11years and 4years). That's Baldi.


        • #5
          I "think" they say that if you have less people in the family than you have bedrooms its worth having a water meter so you would need to have 5 bedrooms to make it worthwhile.

          This might help
          Last edited by veggiechicken; 24-01-2017, 10:32 PM.


          • #6
            Have a look at

            in particular pages 19 to 21 will be of interest if you intend using a sprinkler on the lawn.



            • #7
              We don't have a water meter - 4 of us in a 3 bed house, 2 being young children (7&3) Who have baths not showers & generate lots of laundry & dishwasher on at least once a day - I have no intention of putting one in until I'm forced to! (I have never watered the lawn & use water butt & mains for watering plants.

              Unless it's an enormous house, with 2 adults & 2 children you're probably better off financially without one. Look at the links above though.
              Another happy Nutter...


              • #8
                Just to let you know, there really is never any need to water a lawn. Grass always survives a drought..... if we ever have those again.
                Blogging at.....


                • #9
                  Before using sprinklers check your local regs. Here unattended sprinklers only allowed if supply metered.
                  Riddlesdown (S Croydon)


                  • #10
                    We moved to a house in August with no water meter. The rates were �52 per month and we'd previously paid �22 per month for our old house, which was a similar size. I figured we'd need to use much more than double before we were better off, so we had a meter installed. I'd find out what the rates will be (if you don't already know) so you can compare.

                    Yorkshire Water fitted it for free, and allow you to revert back to rates within 2 years should you want to - it could be worth checking the position with your local area?


                    • #11
                      Thank you all.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vixylix View Post
                        Yorkshire Water fitted it for free, and allow you to revert back to rates within 2 years should you want to - it could be worth checking the position with your local area?
                        I echo vixylix here. We had a meter fitted many years back on the first property I bought, it wasn't a great area back when valued for water rates so ended up being cheaper on rates so we switched back.

                        Check though we didn't have anything like as much as 2 years I think it was more like 6 or 12 months (Anglian Water)
                        I fought the lawn.....and the lawn won!


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