I read somewhere that human urine is good for breaking down your compost heap.
My sisters and I are in disagreement.I read(somewhere!) that only male urine works and that female urine actually inhibits the breakdown of vegetation.
One sister(sorry Dinah)pees,she says on her heap regularly and has no problem with breakdown.
Has anyone else any experience on this subject.If you don't keep hens/rabbits etc. this may be your only activator for your heap unless you use artificials.
A delicate subject,I know,but an interesting one and one that will be treated with the usual finesse one finds on this forum!!!
My sisters and I are in disagreement.I read(somewhere!) that only male urine works and that female urine actually inhibits the breakdown of vegetation.
One sister(sorry Dinah)pees,she says on her heap regularly and has no problem with breakdown.
Has anyone else any experience on this subject.If you don't keep hens/rabbits etc. this may be your only activator for your heap unless you use artificials.
A delicate subject,I know,but an interesting one and one that will be treated with the usual finesse one finds on this forum!!!