Morning after the storm surge
Well, we got away pretty lightly considering the warnings. Walked into work along the seafront yesterday around 8. 30 am (predicted high of the surge and the tide). Yes, the tide was very high and there were some spectacular waves near the south pier, crashing against the sea wall. Also the sea was right up to the wall at the Pakefield end (something I haven't seen since my children were small as the beach has built up there over the years). Walked down this morning and most of the beach is still there, but the path down from the lifeguard station to the beach isn't. Will try to post some piccies from yesterday, but didn't take the camera this morning - DOHHHH!!!
Well, we got away pretty lightly considering the warnings. Walked into work along the seafront yesterday around 8. 30 am (predicted high of the surge and the tide). Yes, the tide was very high and there were some spectacular waves near the south pier, crashing against the sea wall. Also the sea was right up to the wall at the Pakefield end (something I haven't seen since my children were small as the beach has built up there over the years). Walked down this morning and most of the beach is still there, but the path down from the lifeguard station to the beach isn't. Will try to post some piccies from yesterday, but didn't take the camera this morning - DOHHHH!!!