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Never thought I'd say this!.............


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  • Never thought I'd say this!.............

    Went down to lottie at 10am, had to spend a couple of hours weeding, planted some strawberrys and rhubarb, but by 12noon, it was just too hot!
    I've come home with my trays of seedlings because there is no point in planting them. Poor little things dont stand a chance in this heat, and even if I was to water them it would burn their leaves!
    When I got in the car to come home the temperature outside said 26 degrees!
    How is everyone else coping with the heat today? Bernie aka DDL
    Bernie aka DDL

    Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things

  • #2
    We are digging the garden! The sun has just started to shine fully onto the bit which is finally starting to look like it might be a proper veggie patch so we have now come in for some lunch. The greenhouse has been draped with a car cover to shade the young plants in there and it is being watered down frequently. This afternoon we are going to move the AGA we got on FreeCycle so it will be a hot business! Hoping to plant some JA's this evening and might get my spuds and beans in if all goes well (and we don't die from heat exhaustion). Blooming hot though!
    Happy Gardening,


    • #3
      I pottered until 9:30 ish - then had parade so now it is lunchtime - I won't go back out for serious work until 6-7pm.

      The advantage of growing everything in the back garden!

      And the Greenhouse gets shade in the afternoon - so not too bad there either.
      The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


      • #4
        we're chopping back trees and shrubs and marking out the 5 allotment plots on the new village site... just popped in for lunch and a nice cold drink!
        How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


        • #5
          Its just started thundering and raining, tho it's warm rain! Spent PM potting on things. Not so bad! Not sure if I'll make it back to lottie - may fall asleep! Bernie aka DDL
          Bernie aka DDL

          Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


          • #6
            the Radio said UK was hotter than Sydney, New York and Ibiza today.
            I put my beach tent up on the lottie and read the papers when I should've been digging.
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #7
              Two_sheds - you are so naughty.

              I did 2 hours at lottie weeding and planting our cherokee beans between 9 and 11 this morning, and it was hot then. Went for lunch - dropped OH off at the footie - had a snooze - picked him up and will go back out to the lottie in half an hour for a while. Then, will have a glass of wine by the canal this evening.



              • #8
                It's been HOT - but I grow in my garden so can find ways to work round it.

                From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                • #9
                  i strawed the strawberries today as i have around 1000 flowers on the strawberries but do have about 125 plants to be fair also strawed the red and white currents, tied blackberries and jap wine berry to their wires, but oh no my necterine tree leaves are scortched dont know how as water late evening and my cherry pear and apple are fine. loving the sun though, i went in the paddling pool too! he he it was lurvely.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by dexterdoglancashire View Post
                    Went down to lottie at 10am, had to spend a couple of hours weeding, planted some strawberrys and rhubarb, but by 12noon, it was just too hot!
                    I've come home with my trays of seedlings because there is no point in planting them. Poor little things dont stand a chance in this heat, and even if I was to water them it would burn their leaves!
                    When I got in the car to come home the temperature outside said 26 degrees!
                    How is everyone else coping with the heat today? Bernie aka DDL

                    Hello dexterboglancashire, from another Lankie.

                    Pretty hot in Bolton to-day, but lovely after the thunder storm.


                    • #11
                      108 f in my greenhouse, lost my celery seedlings no hope of recovering r.i.p. took all my seedling out of the greenhouse, to save them from being burnt, as im running out of water im trying my hardest not to be over generous, but im loving the heat. Was a bit surprised at all the old dears mowing there lawns at 10 in the morning and watering the plants at 1pm i dont get it. my grandad would have given me a right telling off if i had done those chores at that time of day


                      • #12
                        I must admit I hate the heat I love the sunshine but humidity really knocks me flat. I bought all my seedlings on Sunday when it was baking hot so was very relieved to see rain in the evening. I am a complete & utter beginner so I am keeping a watchful eye of my little stash. I'm frightened of over watering them especially as I've planted some in those self watering pots that have a little reservoir in the bottom & I've used that moisture control compost that is supposed to cut back on watering. They are in one of those plastic greenhouses at the mo so I'm praying they'll fare well.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by areia View Post
                          108 f in my greenhouse, im running out of water im trying my hardest not to be over generous, but im loving the heat.
                          For goodness sake ventilate and shade the greenhouse - 108 degrees is far too hot. If you use water, then use it to spray on the flooring - it will evaporate and assist in cooling. If you keep watering the plants they will just rot.


                          • #14
                            the vent was open and the greenhouse was in partial shade had to keep the door shut though was breezy, doesnt help with plastic green houses they batter about more, must admit most of the plants are on floor level. took some of the seedlings out in the morning but was out for the whole day after that will take the risk i think in future and put them ALL outside


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