Beautiful day here too - blue skies, sunshine, but freezing cold. Everywhere stayed frozen all day - even the new chips on the landscapaed area around the greenouse, funny trying to walk on them!
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Scotland - North 2007
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Extreme winds here today,with rain on and off blown in the back of my greenhouse and all the plants are now laying on the floor!!, next doors window broke too. Empty compost bins and lids flying around,not to mention the last of my brussel sprouts and leeks going everywhere. A total contrast to yesterday I was out digging over my beds and adding compost. The chickens enjoyed it as all the left over leaves went their way!!
Hope everyone in the North has beared up ok
Been very windy here today too. Up to stormforce 11! Scarey driving home from work tonight, felt like the van was going to lift up. Had to do some propping up of the chicken fence and weighting down of other bits. Lid blew off the compost bin despite having a brick on the top! Great thunder and lightening last night and powercuts this morning too. The locals tell me it was two years to the day since the terrible hurricains. Wind is due to drop a little over the next few days but pick up again on Monday (my day off, typical)
Been a wild couple of days - up to Storm Force 11 here too. Last night driving rain as well and I could hardly see to drive the car home. Quite calm this morning, so am off on the hunt for the plastic compost bin again, which despite being weighed down has disappeared. Also two large sheets of aluminium sheeting in the garden from somewhere! They seem to have missed the polytunnel and greenhouse thank heavens. Apparently hail/sleet showers for the rest of today.~
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
~ Mary Kay Ash
Oh spiffing! Found my plastic compost bin (eventually!) and got it weighed down with bits of wood and brick. On Monday its going to the dump!
See we've got Severe Gale 9 tonight but from the NW and snow. The rain has not stopped all day and the whole garden is waterlogged. Great pools of water just lying the grass. I'll be glad when this rain stops!~
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
~ Mary Kay Ash
Woke this morning to flood signs all along the road - it had rained so much in the night the loch had reached and flooded the road, not seen that in the 12 years here at Tingwall. Been quite calm all day, but had quite alot of snow showers, only lying on the higher ground. Blowing hard again now - just wish it was in the direction of the dump so I didn't have to take the plastic bin there tomorrow! No such luck.
Keep warm CC! We know all about draughty houses here!~
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
~ Mary Kay Ash
Blew up really wild in the night, and I nearly went out to check the polytunnel at 3am, but snuggled down and went to sleep againBeen relatively calm all day, but blowing up again tonight and apparently we are in for a F10 Storm from the South. At the moment we seem to be in a 24 hour cycle of night time gales. Very mild at 9 degrees today (didn;t feel like it though) and everywhere still looking very flooded.
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
~ Mary Kay Ash
Glad it had calmed down for you JA, we must have had what you had last night!! Blowing all day and a fence panel had dropped (have it diagonal covering over the feed station in my garden) thankfully no chucks under it at time! feed bin no longer round but still in 1 piece so can cope with that!!
I am just living in 1 room of the house at the minute, got a rayburn (solid fuel/multi fuel) in and it keeps the kitchen warm, clothes are drying over night. In the middle of revamping the front room double insulated floors and walls, multifuel stove put in, just not up and running yet (11 months so far!!) as Inverness doesn't have the parts and the excess for p&p is stupid money the stove will when up and running do the central heating so cannot wait to be out of these 4 walls!! Plenty of fallen timber for the fire, so spending any time there are no winds collecting wood and looking for compost bin lids and dustbin lids, and spending with my chucks etc. Had 50 mph winds here today, overlooking the sea on a hill, so a little exposed. On a friends farm the wind has come and blown strips of trees down, with blocks in the middle untouched!!! and it is all exposed nothing giving any shelter- no wonder my pheasants dont stay there!!
You mention flooded grass, mine hasn't been dry for months now not since we had the really bad rain in Oct(?) time, so dogs come in black, so is my hallway now!! Seems to have calmed a little now but still a few showers about, and the forcast at dinnertime said that we didn't have any winds or rain forcast or at that minute!! I felt like shouting come and look out of my window then!!!
My two christmas chicks haven't ventured out for the last few days, not suprised they get blown all over the place, but at least they are in the most sheltered place I have.
Take care in these winds as I'm sure thay are not over yet. I just hope the 40 foot tree at the back of my house stays put as I don't fancy that coming down!!
Originally posted by Mucky Lizz!! View PostGlad it had calmed down for you JA, we must have had what you had last night!! Blowing all day and a fence panel had dropped (have it diagonal covering over the feed station in my garden) thankfully no chucks under it at time! feed bin no longer round but still in 1 piece so can cope with that!!
I am just living in 1 room of the house at the minute, got a rayburn (solid fuel/multi fuel) in and it keeps the kitchen warm, clothes are drying over night. In the middle of revamping the front room double insulated floors and walls, multifuel stove put in, just not up and running yet (11 months so far!!) as Inverness doesn't have the parts and the excess for p&p is stupid money the stove will when up and running do the central heating so cannot wait to be out of these 4 walls!! Plenty of fallen timber for the fire, so spending any time there are no winds collecting wood and looking for compost bin lids and dustbin lids, and spending with my chucks etc. Had 50 mph winds here today, overlooking the sea on a hill, so a little exposed. On a friends farm the wind has come and blown strips of trees down, with blocks in the middle untouched!!! and it is all exposed nothing giving any shelter- no wonder my pheasants dont stay there!!
You mention flooded grass, mine hasn't been dry for months now not since we had the really bad rain in Oct(?) time, so dogs come in black, so is my hallway now!! Seems to have calmed a little now but still a few showers about, and the forcast at dinnertime said that we didn't have any winds or rain forcast or at that minute!! I felt like shouting come and look out of my window then!!!
My two christmas chicks haven't ventured out for the last few days, not suprised they get blown all over the place, but at least they are in the most sheltered place I have.
Take care in these winds as I'm sure thay are not over yet. I just hope the 40 foot tree at the back of my house stays put as I don't fancy that coming down!!
I incubate hatch and rear pheasants, partridge and ducks for local land owners for sport.
Pheasnts are great, only thing with them is that from the minute they hatch they are programmed to find a way to kill themselves, you think I'm kidding, well I'm not!
Partridge are as bad, you can say how well they are looking and half an hour later you can go and find most of them dead!
If you do think of rearing them, I would suggest NOT buying your eggs from ebay they go for stupid prices. Your local game farm will sell you them for around 30-50p each not �12 for 6 or more on ebay!! Or you can buy them as just hatched chicks from a game farm too for around 75p each. What I will do is catch up a number of hens and cocks and have them in a pen so I can collect the eggs they have laid. I will also purchase eggs, and get a friend to bring me a few hundred up from his pheasants.
No I am not in the business, but hope to start something like this, 2007 will be the first time I do the whole thing and sell off the birds at either day old chicks or as poults approx 10weeks old. This is just a hobby as I had an accident and am now disabled.
If you want any more info or help, just let me know.
The wind here last night got up and was pretty bad and has been at it all day
but not as bad. Been busy myself making sure everything is tied down for if the winds get up!
In a bit of a muddle as to where to plant things this year (veg wise), my seedlings last year were done in jiffy 7 things and my chickens were living in my greenhouse too (well the silkies and chicks) but when the chicks learnt what their wings were for all hell broke loose!!! so I go out to find all these jiffy 7's mixed up, unsure what is going to come out of them so my veg patch has had a mixture of everything planted all over. If I go with what GYO says in their Jan 07 issue, I'm gonna end up with plenty of space for legumes and tatties but very little space for my brassicas!!!
Brrr, cold here. Started snowing this afternoon, lying on the hills. Expecting the world to be white when i get up tomorrow.
Your gamebird rearing sounds very interesting MLizz, my OH is very interested in shooting and gamekeeping but works away from home at the moment so just has to make do with dreaming for now. I'm sure your veg beds will work out fine.
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