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Scotland - North 2007


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  • #46
    Dunno Burnie

    We had our first frost last night but the way the weather is nowadays anything can happen.

    Chinese Proverb - He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who does not remains a fool forever


    • #47
      We had wintry showers on Tuesday, but the gale didn't blow up as fierce as last week. Since then its just been extremely wet, everywhere is either flooded or waterlogged. Was hoping to get my tulips in this weekend, but I think they may just rot!
      Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
      ~ Mary Kay Ash


      • #48
        How has the polytunnel stood up to the high winds Jennie?
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • #49
          We have been lucky these last few days, still and cold. Been out trying to finish drains before the garden turns to mud.
          Jennie, you have a poly tunnel? How does it hold up in Shetland? We bought one but didn't manage to put it up before the winter set in. Any advice for northern poly tunnel owners?
          Last edited by Crazy Chickie; 02-11-2006, 08:37 PM.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Crazy Chickie View Post
            We have been lucky these last few days, still and cold. Been out trying to finish drains before the garden turns to mud.
            Jennie, you have a poly tunnel? How does it hold up in Shetland? We bought one but didn't manage to put it up before the winter set in. Any advice for northern poly tunnel owners?
            If you try putting it up now it may well turn into a poly kite!!!!
            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

            Diversify & prosper


            • #51
              Originally posted by Snadger View Post
              If you try putting it up now it may well turn into a poly kite!!!!
              He he, free flight to europe though

              Weathers been great again n I finally finished my drain, now I've just got beds to dig.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                How has the polytunnel stood up to the high winds Jennie?
                Really well Nicos - last weeks wind was from the NE, not a normal direction for a Shetland gale and I thankfully got a bit of shelter from the farm building next door. I noticed I now I have to lift the door up before it will open, so something must have shifted! I have learnt to take everything off the staging as it just rattles and wobbles and everything falls off.

                Originally posted by Crazy Chickie View Post
                Jennie, you have a poly tunnel? How does it hold up in Shetland? We bought one but didn't manage to put it up before the winter set in. Any advice for northern poly tunnel owners?
                CC - I spent a whole year with a small wind speed monitor working out the windiest parts of the small field next to our house. It was quite a joke that everytime the wind got up I could be seen wandering around the field holding up the monitor! But I think it was worth it as this is now my third winter. I have placed the tunnel on an east/west line (door facing west) so that the predominant strong winds from the SE and SW hit the sides. We don't very often get a straight easterly or westerly gale. The frame is also concreted in and I went for every bracing bar the company sold! Have a look at some of the polytunnel posts in Undercover Operations as a number of us in Scotland have discussed various elements of polytunnel growing in the past. Hope this helps.

                PS First time I've done a multi-quote!
                Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                ~ Mary Kay Ash


                • #53
                  Cheers for the advise Jenny, my PT arrived here a couple of months ago, not the same spec. as yours, a 10x20 burry feet in the ground one, bought all the extras I could like you did. Hope it holds, will find out next winter I suppose.

                  Weather is like winter here again, we had a few nice days last week but back to the norm . Windy, wet but not really too bad, can still get out to do essential jobs. Keeps you cool while digging


                  • #54
                    The wind has never given up here. Been blowing F7/8 since last Tuesday. I really had hoped to get out today to do some tidying, but its hopeless even trying. All I managed was some watering in the greenhouse and a quick look in the polytunnel (rather noisy in the wind!). All the fields around us are still quite flooded and the loch is alot higher than usual. I noticed that three sheep have been stuck on a small island in the loch since last week - wonder if they have eaten themselves out of house and home yet? The car temp guage was showing 12 degrees today. Still unreal temperatures.
                    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                    ~ Mary Kay Ash


                    • #55
                      If it stays waterlogged and mild you could build a paddy field and grow some rice!!!


                      • #56
                        When our plot was waterlogged in the spring, it was sad to see so many dead worms.
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • #57
                          After days and days of non stop gale force winds this afternoon was beautiful and we even had a sort of sunset over the loch. I've just come in from a meeting and stood sorting out the keys for the car and just couldn't believe the silence. It was beautiful. I walked over to the field and could hear the sheep chomping away on the grass it was sooooo quiet. I suppose you have to have gales to appreciate the calms. No sign of any northern lights (aurora borealis - no idea how you spell that) yet as its still 8 degrees at night.
                          Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                          ~ Mary Kay Ash


                          • #58
                            I agree Jennie, the still after the storms just seems to make the world all the more beautiful. After weeks of not being able to stand up straight or lift your head because of the wind those calm moments are so much more valuble. Were the stranded sheep ok? I remember when I was wee, crofters having to take boats out in the sea to rescue sheep stranded by rising tides .

                            Yesterday was quite nice but come the evening the starlings were massing like something out of a hitchcock film, a sure sign of bad weather here and right enough its a howling gale outside now. Drains seem to be doing the job they were dug for but don't want to speak too soon, the proper rains are still to come.


                            • #59
                              We braced ourselves last night CC for another storm - forecast winds were up to 60mph from the NW and heavy rain. But I seemed to have slept through it all! I understand the boat coming up from Aberdeen had a terrible trip! This morning is very calm, bright and dry, but I think we are in the eye of the low at the moment and more strong winds forecast for tonight.

                              I think we may be in for a windy winter here in the north !
                              Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                              ~ Mary Kay Ash


                              • #60
                                Did you see Planet Earth this week Jennie?
                                Antarctic winters of -50oC with howling winds with a poor group of Emperor penguins huddled/braced together protecting their eggs.
                                Even the film crew had to stop filming as the camera froze.
                                Hope it's not that bad for you!!!!!
                                Does each house have a generator on the island?
                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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