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Europe 2007


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  • #91
    Yesterday sat out having lunch until 5pm as it was so warm here in normandy- bit cloudy and cooler today.
    When do these mosquitoes die off????
    Cooler weather was clearly binging indoors the wildlife...2 spiders with leg span of 5" last night!!!
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • #92
      Lovely here in northern Puy-de-D�me - sunny, clear sky and good temperature. Three dry days in a row and its a one man and his dog job - except the lazy dog stayed in until 6pm, when he came out to tell me it was time for his feed!

      Last edited by scared55; 15-10-2007, 10:45 PM.


      • #93
        Rainy, wet and gloomy day here... it has been raining since last night, we haven't seen the sun came up yet. temp is around 13 or even less.... BRRRRRRrrr cold and windy, not nice.

        I grow, I pick, I eat ...


        • #94
          Sorry I missed out last week, time just got away from me.

          8th - 21st October


          2007 -4.5C Min Temp. 19C Max Temp. 19mm rain

          2006 +5C Min Temp. 22C Max Temp. 40mm Rain

          Frost has come early this year. The first one was on the 18th of Oct. and there has been a frost every night since. Last year the first one was 1st November. The predominant wind direction this year has been NE - NW where as last year it was SE - SW. Much dryer too as you can see. We seem to be having long periods of dry weather and then rain for a day or two. Mist or Frost in the mornings followed by beautiful sunny days.Last year it was continually damp and a bit grey with some rain almost every day.

          I am still picking a few Raspberries and have finaly got fed up with the Strawberries and chopped the tops off and cleared up the bed.

          All the Geraniums have been lifted and put under fleece and I have the cloche hoops in place ready to be covered with plastic to protect a few of the winter salad plants. Leeks looking good but there is already signs of rust. Garlic and shallots planted and other beds covered with straw. I am aiming for VLD (very little digging) next year. No Dig isn't possible as the soil is too heavy but if I can stop the winter rain compacting the surface it will help.

          Chickens safe and sound at the moment. Red mite dealt with and having read Birdiewife's latest post I am going to give the house a good going over to make sure that it is as Fox and Pole Cat proof as possible
          Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


          • #95
            Auvergne, central France

            Location, NW Puy de Dome. 5Kms from Allier to the north, 15KM from Creuse to the west. 75Kms NNW of Clermont Ferrand, 100Kms SSE of the geographic centre of France. Altitude 600m

            Temperature is measured in still, sheltered air in a gap close to the wall under the decking. This eliminates overreporting in sunshine but is perhaps conservative about colder temperatures.

            Temp max +16.8C
            Temp min +2.3C
            Total precipitation 1.5mm

            Hope this is of interest to someone.



            • #96
              Yes Scarred55, very interesting. I am in the Charenton valley but altitude about 300m. Temperatures taken on a Max/Min. Thermometer about 1.5m above ground level on the sheltered north side of the house. Temperatures given for the nearest town, Bernay, are about 5C higher than we seem to get and in the summer about 5C lower.

              Green with envy, you are warmer than us!
              Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


              • #97
                Auvergne, Central France

                Location, NW Puy de Dome. 5Kms from Allier to the north, 15KM from Creuse to the west. 75Kms NNW of Clermont Ferrand, 100Kms SSE of the geographic centre of France. Altitude 600m

                Using a second outside thrmometer just over a metre above ground in a deep west facing window recess. This is sheltered from wind and sun but still in free air so should be more accurate.

                Temp max +13.7�C
                Temp min +1.0�C
                Total precipitation 0.0mm



                • #98
                  Originally posted by roitelet View Post
                  Green with envy, you are warmer than us!
                  Not really surprising, you are as far north of us as Leeds is from Southampton.

                  Wait until the middle of winter, though. In our part of the Combrailles plateau, according to my neighbour, a cold winter reaches -20�C (and a hot summer +40�C)

                  Last edited by scared55; 29-10-2007, 07:44 AM.


                  • #99
                    22th Oct -30th Oct

                    2007 Max Temp. 12C Min Temp -5C Rain 11mm

                    2006 Max Temp. 26C Min Temp 5C Rain 37.5mm

                    22 -25th the temperatures were well below freezing at night but the days were chilly and beautiful with lots of sun. Then there was a change to warmer but cloudy weather with a little rain. I was told a while ago that the long range forcast for this winter was that it would be 'plus froid et plus sec'. If the weather continues as it has been for the winter it seems as though the forcasters will be right for a change. We are having frost about a month earlier than usual. Despite the frost I found some newly hatched Cabbage White caterpillars the other day

                    Not a lot going on on the growing front, The Mache has germinated as have the Oriental Salad leaves, Garlic and Shallots are in and the grand clear up is well under way. CK is trying hard to keep up with the processing of the rubbish and I think he is winning. Sifted out the 'rubbish heap' ie things that don't want in the proper compost. The result was some really good humus rich soil that went on the flower beds

                    One of the chickens has gone Broody and I keep throwing her off the nest to make her change her mind about hatching chicks. Maybe she will learn
                    Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                    • An absolutely gorgeous sunny day today here in Auvergne. Not a cloud in the sky, no word of a lie, and I cannot believe that it's November the First. Wow....


                      • Auvergne, central France

                        Location, NW Puy de Dome. 5Kms from Allier to the north, 15KM from Creuse to the west. 75Kms NNW of Clermont Ferrand, 100Kms SSE of the geographic centre of France. Altitude 600m

                        Using an outside thermometer just over a metre above ground in a deep west facing window recess. This is sheltered from wind and sun but still in free air so should be more accurate.

                        Week ending 4th November 2007

                        Temp max +11.8�C
                        Temp min +3.9�C
                        Total precipitation 7.7mm



                        • 31st October - 4th Nov

                          2007 Max Temp 14C Min Temp -3C Rainfall 4mm

                          2006 Max Temp 14C Min Temp -6C Rainfall 1mm

                          Frost on the 31st Oct and again on the 4th Nov. Generally a bit cloudy and overcast but the frosty mornings have given beautiful sunny days. Very little wind and what there is is in the North - Northeast quarter

                          First Parsnip dug up (showing off) 4ins across the top and an estimated 2ft + long . I couldn't get it out whole .

                          Hen still broody but staying out longer when I throw her out.

                          Off to Holland for a week so will post again when I get back.
                          Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                          • Auvergne, central France

                            NW Puy de Dome. 5Kms from Allier to the north, 15KM from Creuse to the west. 75Kms NNW of Clermont Ferrand, 100Kms SSE of the geographic centre of France. Altitude 600m

                            Week ending 11th November 2007

                            Temp max +11.0�C
                            Temp min +0.4�C
                            Total precipitation 13.0mm



                            • Originally posted by scared55 View Post
                              NW Puy de Dome. 5Kms from Allier to the north, 15KM from Creuse to the west. 75Kms NNW of Clermont Ferrand, 100Kms SSE of the geographic centre of France. Altitude 600m

                              Week ending 11th November 2007

                              Temp max +11.0�C
                              Temp min +0.4�C
                              Total precipitation 13.0mm

                              Precipitation Posh rain?
                              The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                              Brian Clough


                              • NW Puy de Dome. 5Kms from Allier to the north, 15KM from Creuse to the west. 75Kms NNW of Clermont Ferrand, 100Kms SSE of the geographic centre of France. Altitude 600m

                                Week ending 18th November 2007

                                Temp max +8.6�C
                                Temp min -5.4�C
                                Total precipitation 24.3mm

                                Tuesday night heavy rain, snow Wednesday night otherwise mostly sunny.

                                Last edited by scared55; 25-11-2007, 02:52 PM.


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