Does anyone know anything about electris fences?
Am seriously fed up with the badger poo and them digging up my beds, I'm sure they eat a few bugs, but having eaten most of my sweetcorn this year I don't find it much of a trade off. They have now damaged some broadies and my garlic ...but digging around in the asparagus bed is just....

In short, They've got to go, and not much will keep em out, thought i might invest in a low wire?
Am seriously fed up with the badger poo and them digging up my beds, I'm sure they eat a few bugs, but having eaten most of my sweetcorn this year I don't find it much of a trade off. They have now damaged some broadies and my garlic ...but digging around in the asparagus bed is just....

In short, They've got to go, and not much will keep em out, thought i might invest in a low wire?