Hi I have a mix of comfrey/nettle mix in a water butt , Before i go on this is excellent/matured feed and have been using this year on my strews/broc's/kale . I noticed last month maggots in it ! floating on the top of the water in clustered balls .Still i decided to keep using it a the taps on the bottem and the maggots are at the top .( I expect maggots in composs but then i use that well before i sow at the begining of the year , yet will use this com mix and keep adding to it to feed this years crop)
Do you this i should get rid of it or keep using ?
Im not growing carrots /cabbage /swede/garlic this year on this plot.
The maggets arnt small like carrot ones look more like you would get on rotten meat
Do you this i should get rid of it or keep using ?
Im not growing carrots /cabbage /swede/garlic this year on this plot.
The maggets arnt small like carrot ones look more like you would get on rotten meat