I'd noticed for a few years that my garden has almost no earthworms to be found.
I had given some thought to the possability of 'flatworms' being present, but it wasn't until last week when I lifted a plastic bag,that I saw, there on the ground were some (pesky varmints) 'flatworms.
I crushed these, or fed to a happy blackbird.
Does anyone have any recommendations for what to do ?
I might just get as much organic matter added on to the soil, to try and build up the earthworm population. I have heard that new generations of earthworm can become more resistant to them !
I had given some thought to the possability of 'flatworms' being present, but it wasn't until last week when I lifted a plastic bag,that I saw, there on the ground were some (pesky varmints) 'flatworms.
I crushed these, or fed to a happy blackbird.
Does anyone have any recommendations for what to do ?
I might just get as much organic matter added on to the soil, to try and build up the earthworm population. I have heard that new generations of earthworm can become more resistant to them !