Our garden is surrounded by a thick ivy fence, which is terrific for bird life and privacy, and we're fine with it remaining aesthetically. Problem is, last year DH chopped at it, as we do all the time, but he was at it for a good while, and for some reason had an awful reaction to the ivy, which neither of us ever had before. He had terrible deep weals all over his arms, chest and legs, which took weeks to go. He's since avoided the ivy of course, but yesterday just brushed lightly against it, and his arm has a weal appearing again.
Is he now totally sensitised to it or something? It's not THAT easy to avoid all the time, as I say, it's pretty much everywhere in our garden!
Any advice? I should add that he's very robust and not a delicate flower normally at all! The only thing I've ever known him to react to badly is accidently watching an episode of Katie and Peter once
Is he now totally sensitised to it or something? It's not THAT easy to avoid all the time, as I say, it's pretty much everywhere in our garden!
Any advice? I should add that he's very robust and not a delicate flower normally at all! The only thing I've ever known him to react to badly is accidently watching an episode of Katie and Peter once
