I have what I think are root aphids - at least, I'm not 100% certain because I can hardly find any info on them. They are particularly fond of any alliums (onions, shallots and garlic all affected) and potatoes. They all seem to be the same - very small white grubs that look like tiny maggots on the outside of the bulb (but not just on the roots
) that on closer inspection actually have tiny legs and crawl around. Does anyone have any experience of these little critters, and does anyone know of any way of controlling them, or any resistant varieties?
I had a few of these last year, much more this year. Last year when I lifted my potatoes I left a bit of soil on them but I think the shpids in the soil might have burrowed into the tubers and most of them rotted before I could use them
I lifted my shallots at the weekend and washed the soil off before putting them on a rack to dry, hopefully that will improve the storage *sigh*
Any advice? Pleeeeeese??

I had a few of these last year, much more this year. Last year when I lifted my potatoes I left a bit of soil on them but I think the shpids in the soil might have burrowed into the tubers and most of them rotted before I could use them

Any advice? Pleeeeeese??
