It's the time of year where every nook and crannie has it's own spider (ah the joys of country life
I've found one that I haven't seen before.
Small body long legs (particularly the front ones). The whole thing is about an inch across (inc. legs)
My largest one is carrying something (egg sack ?)
Recently two more have joined it. They just sit there staring at each other doing not very much.
I've attached a (poor) picture. Didn't want to get too close incase they jumped at me !
I'd look on the web for an ID but I'm too scared I might come across one of those closeups with eyes
So Please, Please... no eye links

I've found one that I haven't seen before.
Small body long legs (particularly the front ones). The whole thing is about an inch across (inc. legs)
My largest one is carrying something (egg sack ?)
Recently two more have joined it. They just sit there staring at each other doing not very much.
I've attached a (poor) picture. Didn't want to get too close incase they jumped at me !
I'd look on the web for an ID but I'm too scared I might come across one of those closeups with eyes

So Please, Please... no eye links
