Hi all
I have two pest problems, you might say I have three if I include myself!
1st Pest
Bright green cateropillar munching my exhibition onion leaves and leaving the hollow section full of waste material-any ideas please?
2nd Pest
Cutworm ( I think) chopping my kale plants off close to the ground. I dug under the remaining roots and found a slow moving creatue like a grey/green caterpillar. Was this the culprit? And if so how can I protect plants against it
3rd Pest
Me!- Homo sapiens - No known cure!
I have two pest problems, you might say I have three if I include myself!
1st Pest
Bright green cateropillar munching my exhibition onion leaves and leaving the hollow section full of waste material-any ideas please?
2nd Pest
Cutworm ( I think) chopping my kale plants off close to the ground. I dug under the remaining roots and found a slow moving creatue like a grey/green caterpillar. Was this the culprit? And if so how can I protect plants against it
3rd Pest
Me!- Homo sapiens - No known cure!